Opinion › Feature Article     ›   27 Jun 2024

How Mahama will promote good governance

Promoting good governance is essential for the overall development and well-being of a society. Some of the key reasons why promoting good governance is important include:

Accountability: Good governance ensures that those in power are accountable for their actions and decisions. This helps to prevent corruption and misuse of power, and ensures that public resources are used effectively and efficiently.

Transparency: Good governance promotes transparency in decision-making processes, allowing citizens to have access to information and participate in the decision-making process. This helps to build trust between the government and the people.

Rule of law: Good governance ensures that the rule of law is upheld and that all individuals are treated equally under the law. This helps to create a fair and just society where everyone has access to justice.

Economic development: Good governance is essential for economic development as it creates a stable and predictable environment for businesses to operate. It also helps to attract investment and create jobs, leading to overall economic growth.

Social cohesion: Good governance promotes social cohesion by ensuring that the needs and interests of all members of society are taken into account. This helps to reduce social inequalities and promote inclusivity.

In line with these, H.E. John Dramani Mahama, the presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the December 7 elections in Ghana has promised to work hard to strengthen key institutions such as the judiciary, anti-corruption agencies, and oversight bodies to ensure they have the necessary resources and independence to effectively carry out their mandates when elected as president.

Mahama will prioritise transparency and accountability in government operations, ensuring that all decisions and actions are conducted in an open and transparent manner. This will help to build trust between the government and the citizens.

He will implement robust anti-corruption measures, including the establishment of a special anti-corruption court, the enforcement of asset declaration requirements for public officials, and the implementation of whistleblower protection laws.

Mahama will promote public participation in governance by engaging with citizens through town hall meetings, online platforms, and other means to gather feedback and input on government policies and decisions.

Mahama will work to strengthen the rule of law by ensuring that all individuals, including government officials, are held accountable for their actions. This will help to create a culture of accountability and deter corruption.

The young man from Bole will work with international partners and organisations to strengthen anti-corruption efforts and promote good governance practices. This will help to ensure that Ghana remains committed to fighting corruption on a global scale.

Anthony Obeng Afrane

By Anthony Obeng Afrane
Author has 522 publications here on modernghana.com

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