Opinion › Feature Article     ›   27 Jun 2024

Assange's Freedom is a Big Incomplete Victory

June 25th, 2024, should be celebrated as the day God semi-rescued humankind from powerful evil governments, a day against censor mongers. Throughout History, the biggest danger humankind faced was and is still censorship, especially legalized censorship. This literally means both God and the best of humankind have a lot of work to do -- we want total victory, not just a goal or incomplete victory. It means to study the facts in a deep sense and sensitize the world on where humans fell short, to warrant the hard test God allowed. Our biggest mistakes include lack of systems of exposing new laws and lack of foresight on dangerous laws.

When laws are made, the politicians will always argue the possible good it will do, but who will be able to see the possible and probable evil of bad laws? First, we lack great systems of informing the public about new laws and how to get the greatest minds to discuss the potential dangers. Laws are often too lengthy to have space in traditional print media as example, but now we have social media, websites of mainstream media should have all laws and allow comments; and new NGOs for world freedom should emerge. Considering algorithms and other censoring ways, New-york Times+ should not say Amnesty International+ is enough. Hard-disks are now too cheap to say the summary of journalists is enough, when we can get summary and actual detail of the law, plus how lawmakers voted. Many of us may visit the websites of human rights organizations few times in a year compared to media houses.

My point is when the u.s government made the law of the 'espionage act', where the accused is not allowed to even explain why he or she broke a bad law, that is a scary law and almost like no trial. Again, we must differentiate coverage from enough coverage, because I did not know about that law until Snowden educated us. With enough coverage, such laws should be fought by voting out the supporters of such laws, by suing the government to supreme court and international courts; and by holding vigils, asking God to send visible and/or invisible angels to rescue humankind and punish devils who think government wrongs should never be exposed. I think Wikileaks+ should have fought this law long before the arrest warrant against Assange. Whether or not they knew about the law, my point is Assange and every caring person should now fight to remove that law. Specialization helps, because millions may donate and help erase that law, but may not support the other laws I want to fight. So who will set up an NGO to fight for 'right to real trial and explain to judge and jury...'?

The other dangerous law that is still hanging on our heads is the blank check on classified information. As said, bad politicians will claim when we are hunting Bin Laden, we need to protect certain information. Fine! But we also need laws that say the government does not have the right to lie or commit cruelty on innocent people in our name! Sweet talking Obamas, Trumps, and xyz will easily agree and make only promises. So we need another law that says exposing government lies and cruelties should never be a crime, including classified information. So as long as you can convince a jury or judge that you saw the video of the killing of a journalist+ in Palestine or Ukraine, protecting Israel or Biden in the name of 'interest' or classified information can be challenged without fear.

The tiny victories God gave us is not just freeing of Assange to the delight of millions of Americans and billions around the world; it also includes Snowden and other Americans, including a woman who exposed Trump in much more beneficial ways than Stormy Daniels... Oh Jarga, are you a sexist, claiming women are not brave or caring enough to expose government wrongs? Maybe, but I am also saying the best of women exist and should understand the devils either hate men more or fear and bank on women more to do countless evil.

We cannot discuss Julian Assange without discussing women and the Iraq war, because there are huge connections. George Bush, while rallying support for war, claimed: 'to free the women of Iraq and the Arab world...' Once women are mentioned, permission granted! Or resistance reduced? So while trying to free women, if you harm women+ in Iraq and still claim you can classify it, then the 'sexist' Jarga says exposing it should not be a crime. Maybe we should learn from their play-book to pass one law before another law. Let us propose a law that any classified information that include the killing of a woman, rape of a woman, or any vivid harm against a woman or LGBTQ can be exposed, even if classified. Gradually, some good women may admit certain wrongs to men is not permissible either.

Beside the Iraq war, the devils knew by accusing Assange of rape, they can dent his support even without providing any evidence. If we study the dangers of blank checks to governments and women, then extradition of rape accusations across countries must be studied and how much evidence must be presented to even press charges. How many rape accusations Sweden or any country ever sought extradition on? How many rape accusations UK, U.S, or any country ever considered extradition on? If I write a book that 'threatens' the world or just their political world, any American girl I ever spent time with can accuse me of rape? Or they can send a pretty American to spend time with me and claim rape for extradition? The mindset is dangerous and my foolish type may fight it very differently than Assange chose to. Whereas I cannot categorically say Assange or any person is above rape, I am saying human laws and mindsets around rape are largely bad; plus extradition requests on rape should demand higher evidence, or evil women will always be available as volunteers or paid with protection.

The fractional men, half women, and female politicians on Assange and censorship. Assange rose to prominence during the Obama era, and I consider Obama a fractional man on many things in the world of justice. The good thing manly, or brave thing about Obama on Assange is refusing to directly charge Assange in respect for Journalists, not love for truth. If he was truly manly, Assange should have been rewarded and honored more than the white men and white women who illegally helped blacks during slavery+. Breaking unjust laws is manly and very important at times. So where is Obama a sissy? Obama-Biden verifiably stopped all credit card companies from helping Assange gather billions or millions, after exposing the Iraq war crimes. I was fairly well-off then, and I wrote a hundred dollar check for Wikileaks, but they stopped the check(s) through the mail. My point is Obama+ waged an economic war-fare against Wikileaks and my very self thereafter. It is vital for history to document such facts, help companies resist bad government requests, and educate would-be activists to understand that the government may refuse to listen and instead war differently on some activists.

Trump I dubbed 'the first female president of the u.s', considering some idiots claim 'Bill Clinton is the first black president of the u.s'. Hello good females, please do not get mad, just help me find good females as president or let's look for a real man to be a president of the u.s or the world. After that title to mr. Clinton, we had bad or ok black Obama, so maybe we should pray or getting ok, good, or great female president of the u.s? Anyway, Trump is so thin skinned than average females, but Trump is also very deceptive like many females? Trump will tell you what you want to hear, like those bad men who seek women for sex as nicer than marijuana? My point is good and bad are beyond gender, but some things seem to have leanings. Trump understood many people love Assange and Truth, so he said nice things about Assange while running against ms. Clinton, to get votes? After winning the presidency, Trump hunted Assange in ways 'bad' Obama never did. I wish Biden resigns or at least say on a debate or ad: Trump hates Journalists for truth, not the occasional lies; so Trump hates super journalists like Assange; went after him, so that devils can go after journalists thereafter? Average females may be better than Trump, but he seems better than the worst of females in and beyond politics. Trump is so deceptive, he even deceives smart and deceptive journalists who oppose him. It puzzles me when anti-trump journalists claim Trump fulfils election promises. Well, Trump ignores good promises and tries to fulfil bad promises. Trump knows people love truth and the questionable JFK, so he promised to declassify all files of JFK assassination for votes, but did he fulfil that promise by what percentage? Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning out of conscience; Biden pardoned Assange for votes or due to pressure; Trump did not pardon any major whistle blower, he instead re-prosecuted Manning, went After Assange and others. I am not afraid of Trump's presidency, but let no one expect much good through Trump and that does not mean to vote Biden. Vote your conscience.

Since people think we unnecessarily oppose women, but the world, especially the u.s is yet to have good female politicians and Assange happens to be a good example. Assange barely existed during the end of the Bush presidency. Ms. Palin was the first female close to the presidency and she said 'the u.s should use special forces to assassinate Assange' for speaking truth or exposing cruelty? You hear that from female Palin and Obama never used such, we did not choose Obama because he was a man or black, nor did we oppose Palin because of her gender. We are praying for all humans to be good, but we are not sparing bad females who want to be brave or cruel with a pen. Does Palin have the guts to face Assange or to truthful folks in a fist or gun fight? She wants to use robot minded men to fight truthful men and classify the killings and other harms? Ms. Clinton never said anything good about Assange, instead she blamed him for her election losses. Whereas I cannot ascertain Assange exposing her wrongs cost her votes, but she and the u.s system cost her the election. People like me remembered how she claimed she will 'obliterate Iran' if Iran attacked Israel. Such statements and her actions in and beyond Libya contributed to why I opposed her more than what Assange exposed on election rigging. If she thinks election rigging should not be exposed, then should we consider Trump claims of election rigging and charge Trump with gross negligence to allow multiple rigging in multiple states? Perhaps we need a law that says election rigging cannot be classified. Because the law says, a president can classify anything. Presidents seem to get a blank check than even women and LGBTQ?

I wrongly supported ms. Nikki Haley over Trump only to learn she is like or worse than ms. Clinton in hatred for Arabs or 'love' for Israel? Haley also said she supports pardoning Trump for the 'sake of the country', but that is just another sissy position, and why Trump loves to threaten bloody wars... We cannot pardon criminals out of fear, then arrogantly hunt the truthful against the world -- love for the world over country, love and blessings to the truthful over respite for criminals...

Although the Assange issue was largely due to u.s bad leaders, history should closely study how U.K. and Australian leaders handled or mishandled the issue. The U.K. conservatives, male and female, of about four leaders were dangerous puppets to u.s and showed no respect for Australia and truth in general. Crediting folks like Jeremy Corbyn is also vital, but the UK voters are guilty at many levels, including the allowing of wasting millions of dollars to hunt a truthful person. History must study how African leaders never fight for their citizens on such. History must expose how terribly Trump pressured Ecuador and UK leaders. History must remind activists to rush to Russia or the Russian embassy, when exposing western wrongs. May God bless me to conquer the world, regardless of who sits, and bless me through Showlove Trinity: Let's learn, let's work, let's have fun.

By Jarga k. Gigo
An Activist and Transformer.
Author of Juts Quhr-aahn.
Optional note:
It is very puzzling why certain things seem to coincide. I was or still in an implicit home jail since around the time Assange was in trouble over censorship. For twelve years in the case of Assange, for over a decade for me. Like censorships have levels, jails have levels. Mine may not be extremely bad as Assange, but I suffered due to u.s and my blood family believing in censorship... Sometimes I feel troubled, because God allowed certain evil on me or people I deem good. If that ever happens to you, ask God, look at the good things God gave to you, do the good things you are asked to do, and keep fighting even if an invisible voice seems to support evils like censorship.

A day before Assange was released, I wrote that Snowden is among the top miracles of God, including how God protected him above Assange... During the night, God wanted me to write to my questionable family+ for possible partnership, which I will share because I am looking for partnership with any good one, not just my family. Reason of sharing is not just for me to get possible partners, but for others to learn, to help Gambians, Ghananians, Nigerians, etc consider opening preventive health centers or gyms in and beyond Africa. Then daylight came and I learned about Assange's freedom. Although my health is not in top shape, I was delighted like or more than the billions of people. Earth is a very questionable place, with ups and downs. So in the short post I wrote after hearing that great news, I mentioned those who censor in the homes or workplaces, but oppose censorship at government level will still deserve pain or censorship at some point. I was not insinuating Assange was guilty of censorship at lower levels, but a possibility, and was above all reminding my readers to be careful of inconsistencies and supporting of wrongs. Minutes or hours after, God reminded me how I am also a top miracle of God , perhaps more than Snowden. I stood up to u.s, and they harmed or harming me in limited ways; I stood up to the notorious Yahyah Jammeh, God protected me above average critics and removed him. These are not bragging points, but learning points, that God gives total protection to some, partial protection to some, etc. The most evident reality is God is defeating censorship at all levels, except too slow for loving spirits like me...

I want God to bless us with the very money they try to deny us or claim as evidence that God hates us or our cause? I am happier in my poverty more than when I was making more than the average working Canadian and saw $100 to Assange as chicken change to support truth or fight against censorship. Whereas I consider my blood family OK and appreciate their tiny support; I consider them delusional in thinking financial pressure will make me back down on censorship, or fighting for marijuana legalization. These same two are the main issues I largely have with the U.S. Similarly, I truly do not appreciate how God under-helps financially at the moment. God can enrich me without sending me to my questionable family for help. He can send good people to me or send me to good people to help change the world. What God helps me with is too long to mention, but I do not think that warrants denying me simple opportunities or perfect health. If he claims the fault is with others, by passing them or giving me the power to fight them. Every good I have or know is thanks to God, and will need his help to conquer the world and free the children, but we seriously need a lot more of God's help. Never accepts excuses, not even from God.... For almost a week, God denied me from finishing a book and other writings I prefer, but He will allow me to write what He prefers for reasons beyond me. Not a single one of my desires is a big job to God, so He is just unwilling so far, despite my honest efforts as a soldier, more than u.s and Russian soldiers? Well, He gives me countless laughs, but again that does not justify denials of very crucial blessings. Asking for reasonable help is humility, not arrogance or ingratitude. An atheist will subdue like many do to Xi of China; a hypocrite will subdue the crown prince of Saudi; so I prefer an LGBTQ manning on anti-censorship more than some heterosexuals or so-called believers in God... Too many prophets suffered through censorship. If God is truthful and opposes lying and cruelty, then it must extend all the way to government or even invisible creatures. Jesus did not die for your sins on slavery, but if some blacks supported censorship and other ills, it explains why God allowed devils upon devils; Jesus did not die for your sins on Arabs, but if an intolerable percentage of Arabs support censorship and other gross ills, it explains why God allowed or allowing devils upon devils... I am not saying any race is the devil, but that any race that has censor mongers has devils. We are not justifying any wrong, but may I fight and cautiously sympathize with anyone guilty of censorship or supporting it at any level, home to the government. I honestly believe the God and the Godly, the devil and devilish, must include positions on censorship. As a child growing up you can be misled, but at a certain age or exposure you must oppose vivid evil as if you are the one God can be impressed with more than He was impressed with Abraham and other prophets. I can stand on the world stage and say: may God bless those who oppose censorship and proportionately curse the pro censorship folks. No one should suffer for speaking the truth, and mistaken truthful people deserve forgiveness.

Optional note 2:
The note I sent to my family+ is very inspiring, so God suggested I share it with the world to help myself or others, but best is still for God to make me a millionaire asap... If my family or you think I am unworthy, help others until every major village or neighborhood has the good I wish...

Business Partnership or What help can you provide?

Peace. It is no secret that I have been out of paid work for too long, but free work is also part of life that God may impose on the willing. Even if I was a billionaire, I am highly interested in rendering free work, especially writing, where I can. So I am not interested in discussing with anyone who thinks I should stop writing... Thank God, there seems to be a big opportunity for paid work in the world of writing for me. I plan to be writing books that may sell millions, but that is not the purpose of this writing or communication. I want a preventive health center, but starting with a standardised gym, meaning enough equipment and enough space to offer yoga services as well...

Target income: About 300 to 1000 customers, paying about D500 a month is affordable and can amount to over half a million dalasis a month, considering other products and services I will render there...

Marketing and managing: I am very good at marketing with verifiable records. My intelligence to manage such a simple business is unquestionable, except to cowards and doubters. I do not think it is wise to detail marketing tactics I will use, but I do plan to make it a 24hrs gym, which I doubt exists in the non tourist areas in the Gambia. That is a hint of how hard working I am, contrary to how some of you see me...

Benefits beyond money: This is health services to improve my health first, so how much do you care about my health? Well, it is not all about me, it means I want to significantly contribute to the health of 300 to 1000 or more people. Do you think only rich folks deserve access to a gym or any village with over 5000 people?

Where: The gym can be successful anywhere with the right manager, equipment, and space. So I will let the funder or funders vote where it should be located. My only condition is it must have a small back-up of solar power, which I can provide to be calculated in the case of partnership.

Accountability: The gym must have security cameras for many things, from resolving minor conflicts to assuring paying back every funder. Beside the unavoidable expenses, I am pledging 90% of the proceeds to go back to the funders (creditors) until all monies are paid. Regardless of who is funding it, all employees must be literate, I do not want to work with illiterates. So you cannot bring your illiterate relatives as workers.

Cost of equipment: Although I have some gym equipment, some of what I have is not for commercial purposes, especially rough Gambians... We need iron plates, not plastic coated, because people may drop them roughly, and business demands tolerance. Since the world of gym is almost endless, one million dollars can be a dream gym, but a realistic start is about ten to twenty thousand dollars. I will recommend at least twenty major pieces of equipment, about ten for lower body, and ten for upper body. Many gyms in the Gambia lack enough lower body equipment. For example, many gyms here do not have a leg press machine and it is just about $500 in china. There are some equipment that can be made in the Gambia, but it is still costly in the world of irons.

Options: So the options are partnership or loan. If you can offer about twenty five thousand dollars, I would rather have one partner over multiple partners. If you can offer $1000 as a partner, you may deserve 5 to 10%, depending on how many partners offer similar or more. If you just want to offer $1000 or xyz as a loan, then all partners must agree we must pay all loans before any sharing among investors, or I am not involved... If someone used his or her credit card to secure some equipment through monthly payment plan, we have to pay any additional cost involved

Where to purchase equipment: Depends on deals available. We can luckily see bulk deals or may have to buy from multiple countries. Some simple equipment are simply not available in the Gambia, and folks at the ports, clearing agents, etc may see and notify me, but I do not think we need to wait for weeks and months to get a deal or started. As simple as Nordic curl machine is sometimes available at Walmart for under $200, but not available in the Gambia, including many gyms cannot think of ordering such? Leg press machines are often over $1000 in u.s and greater west, while China offers it for about $500 to $700 in great quality... Quality metal plates are all largely strong, so cost matters on such over name brand.

Summary: Health and financial upliftment for me, while giving me the time to write from the gym is greater. The 'only' thing better is God helping me make millions of sales on books+, then I rather spend the summer travelling around the world while writing. So this gym is like a plan B that may help me write better in more comfortable mindsets... Although I already have two books, literally written in my head, but do not know when God will allow me to write them. I also have one 'minor maths' book that I have largely completed, but need about 15 to 45 hours of high focus to finish minor work on it, before I can put it on Amazon+, and God can make it a bestseller, bring millions to me, or sell very little. The reality remains, discovering where I can publish books without having to pay an arm and a leg is a blessing... Even my parents and their age mates will be invited towards improving their health. The young boys are easy to attract, more young and middle aged females are seeing and seeking the benefits of the gym, but seniors should not be left out, especially on guided yoga. I will also offer special herbal teas that people can feel the benefits. Essential oils for health can sell. Won't be free , but I believe in reasonable rates. I propose D500 per month, many gyms are around D800 in relatively poor neighborhoods.

So please consider how much you can offer, by when, and any condition I may need to know.

By jarga k. Gigo
Like I wrote this while people are sleeping, I can be at the gym at night, writing, exercising, have it as a home, working tirelessly and with fun…

Optional note 3:
The most dangerous threat to humankind is censorship. The second most dangerous threat is capitalism in its former to present forms. On the first or censorship: the people are ok or good, but not great; the mainstream media is bad or ok at best; over 80% of the governments are worse and worsening. Less than ten percent of world leaders strongly condemned the u.s and u.k, plus the dangerous laws. On deadly capitalism, what percentage of the world accepts it or ready for alternatives? Do not compare capitalism with failed 'systems' without gauging how capitalists murder innocent people and systems? Debate that, but are you open to the fact that we can usher in something better capitalism and every system that ever existed in schools? If you are blind or in denial to how capitalism significantly contributes to the unnecessary deaths and suffering of 'fairly reasonable' people, then you cannot imagine someone may offer something much better. That person and/or myself understand censorship is about the only thing devils have when some new systems can easily win capitalism in a debate and real trial that should start Asap.

The only thing more dangerous than the two is God's inaction or under-reaction in helping the willing hear and see all sides? We all have to be students before we can be workers, but God must help the best of us beyond words. I fully understand that we are trying to rescue varyingly guilty people, but I am optimistic that some Humans will learn on a fair stage or playing field. When people who commit or support censorship at home or office become victims of government censorship, then be careful how you ask or accuse God. When billions of people support capitalism and become victims of capitalism, then how can we help guilty-victims? We give them the new knowledge to choose from, because even the children of Satan deserve the opportunity to know a kind God, then make a choice.

Prophet Muhamahd and virtually every known prophet followed the illusions they found or under fought it until God varyingly helped. So whether or not you committed or supported the mentioned two evil may be important, but are you ready to repent? Following the ways of parents or present leaders will not work, but accepting the raising of conscience by the ever living Lord. Once good knowledge is revealed, the conquering has started, but the quicker God speeds up the conquering the easier patience becomes or be replaced with achievements. Present capitalism killed and is killing; it contributes to climate change, wars, and can even lead to world war. All of these challenges can be averted by God helping more sincerely and people accepting more gratefully. At a personal level, perfect health is what I need, and God should provide that if He sincerely cares. So that I can write, but still needs his protection and other blessings. I was already being monitored by the u.s , and they may try to raise it, but God's curse be upon all my enemies and extreme opponents, including those who want to censor me, until they repent. More important than cursing them is blessing me until they submit.

Freedom with false charges or conviction is better than being a slave of criminals...

If affirmative action or inclusion is of any good, then we need a way of hearing from other than the two pathetic u.s leaders. Not only can the questionable mainstream media add one or two independent candidates, but they can at least organise another debate for other independent debates... people deserve to hear candidates and a system that can bloodlessly overthrow the two party system, capitalism, and censorship.

By Jarga Kebba Gigo
Author has 122 publications here on modernghana.com

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