Opinion › Feature Article     ›   27 Jun 2024

China Wants To Take Over Ghana’s Largest Airport, Hence The Privatization Of KIA Is A Deception — Captain Smart

According to Captain Smart, China wants to seize control of Ghana's largest airport, Kotoka International Airport, because the Akufo Addo-Bawumia government owes the Asian nation a substantial amount that they are unable to pay. Ghana thus runs the greatest risk of losing numerous important commercial hubs to China, including the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation. Must Ghanaians accept Captain Smart's accusation as true? Even though I'm not a psychologist, I'll show that Smart is telling the truth.

In the last 20 years or more, China has emerged as the primary commercial partner and supplier of goods to the majority of African nations. The Chinese have replaced France and other European nations in this capacity, not to mention the US, which has historically undervalued Africa. The Chinese government is ruling over African countries by using loans as a lure, but the countries they are assisting are dealing with difficult debt repayment situations, therefore, many are facing the threat of losing their commercial properties.

Although I have the utmost respect for Ghanaian journalists, I feel that their efforts to inform the public about grave crimes that impact the country have decreased since Ahmed Hussein Suale's death. This is because Akufo Addo is a tyrant who hides behind democracy and persecutes journalists. In contrast to what we heard about Mahama, the NPP government has been the most irresponsible in Ghana's political history, but we don't hear much about this awful administration.

I have been writing every time that Akufo Addo wants to impose Bawumia on Ghanaians as president, to hide numerous financial crimes that the people are unaware of. All of this began when Akufo Addo, Bryan Acheampong, and other NPP politicians began stating out of fear that they would not cede power to the NDC. It is not necessary to be a psychologist to investigate people's thoughts at times of threat. Pressure is mounting on Akufo Addo and Bawumia because of many hidden financial crimes.

Captain Smart said that the Chinese government has been threatening the NPP administration for a long time to seize control of some of the key commercial hubs, including the Kotoka International Airport, to pay off the debt Ghana owes them and it was because of this particular reason the government made the Kumasi Airport ready for flight passengers and the government lied to Ghanaians that they want to privatize the airport. He also said that the Chinese government currently controls the Electricity Corporation of Ghana, and may soon take over the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation.

Furthermore, Captain Smart asserted that the reason Ghana, a country endowed with abundant resources such as gold, diamond, bauxite, oil, and other valuable cash crops, is not developing is because the Akufo Addo-Bawumia administration is using all national income and taxes as collateral security for the Chinese government. He also bemoaned the enormous sum of money that Cecilia Dapaah stole, of which the Special Prosecutor was unable to determine the precise amount, so he had to state an approximate figure.

Ghanaians are now aware that the "Ayalolo buses," which were brought in by the previous administration and left to rot by the NPP government, have been sold to the Liberian government. What kind of government, after all, would torture its citizens physically and psychologically when it promised better living conditions and a brighter future? Many firms and investments have failed due to the economy, and those that remain are finding it difficult to manage them.

It is impossible to ignore the terrible history of Akufo Addo, Ken Ofori-Atta, and Mahamudu Bawumia taking over as Ghana's leaders. Removing the NPP from office won't be enough for Ghana to regain its momentum and reclaim all that has been lost; instead, as in the US and other European nations, anyone found guilty of embezzlement, money laundering, or mass properties should be taken into custody, put on trial, and sentenced to prison. Until a change occurs in Ghana, politicians and judges will go to prison.

In the political history of Ghana, no government has held power for about eight years without completing any major projects, such as building a hospital or school. However, the Akufo Addo-Bawumia administration has racked up a massive debt of GH658.6 billion, and Ghanaians are unaware of the purpose for which the funds were spent. Captain Smart claims that the Akufo Addo-Bawumia government has spent GHC3.9 billion this year. What was the purpose of the expenditure? He asked.

Captain Smart also bemoaned the malfunctioning of all the MRI equipment at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital and the fact that the doctors aren't happy at their jobs because of the challenging circumstances they deal with daily. Captain Smart is obligated to inquire as to whether fuel costs in Ghana have decreased, as the NPP government told Ghanaians that the "gold for oil" will lower fuel prices nationwide. He said, "He would be a fool to vote for the NPP," for several reasons.

By Joel Savage
Belgian-Ghanaian journalist, Joel Savage, writes the "A Mixture Of Periodicals" column. The Flemish Journalists Association member frequently contributed to the features sections of the Weekly Spectator, Ghanaian Times, Daily Graphic and The Mirror. He lives in Belgium. 

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