News › Social News     ›   26 Jun 2024

Jomoro Petroleum Hub: We’ll only lease our lands with generational compensation — Nzema people to gov’t

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The indigenous landowners of Jomoro in the Western region have expressed reservations about surrendering their ancestral lands for the $12 billion Petroleum Hub project without stringent conditions being met.

In a press statement, the Coalition of Concerned Nzema People representing the landowners outlined firm demands that must be addressed before they will release any of the 20,000 acres targeted for the project.

"We know the value of the land our forefathers fought for and died to preserve for us. Many of us continue to benefit from century-old acres of coconut plantations and other cash and food crops," the coalition said.

They added: "No land in Jomoro is idle. Even when there is a thick forest, we benefit from hunting, fishing, and medicines from it."

The coalition is insisting on compensation that extends to future generations, saying "Our land will neither be sold nor taken over compulsorily by the government. It can only be leased with generational compensation."

On local benefits, they stated: "We demand not less than 25% of the value of the investment as equity that must benefit us as landowners."

“We demand a 30% job quota for the core affected communities to avoid the case of indigenes becoming unduly disadvantaged in the face of rising costs of living from the project,” the group noted in their demands.

If these demands around land rights, employment provision and direct investment opportunities are not addressed, "we are not ready to allow any land to be assigned for this project," the coalition warned.

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