Opinion › Feature Article     ›   24 Jun 2024

Never be an African or die early

In 2024 Germany will have paid € 5, 5-6 Billion Buergergeld as direct financial support to 1, 1 Mio. Ukraine refugees in the country. In addition to this figure, costs must be added for the administrative process, housing, job-finding, language teaching, and schooling for the customer from wartime Ukraine. Military assistance goes further into the two-figure Billion range. Germany is not a neighboring country to Ukraine. Germany is a natural resources-empty country.

The African Union was formed by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah as the African version of the European Union. Ghana was spearheading the process of Pan-Africanism a blessed concept in a dead body, R.I.P.

Ghana is blessed with the unimaginable richness of cocoa, gold, diamonds, timber, nature, and oil in Takoradi, a rich history should under normal circumstances by now be able to host one Million of Sudanese displaced refugees while other AU nations should welcome the rest of Africans in need. Sacrifices are the sign to God that a person or a nation is ready to be lifted to its next level. Instead, Ghana sends a few hundred peacekeepers to help stop the fight in Sudan. They empty their pockets with a tip they see possible to share with their frightened brothers and sisters in Sudan. If you give from what you can easily give your extra cash you are not seen as worthy by God to be looked at nor to be shortlisted for promotion.

The truth of true Pan-Africanism is not in the air of freshly cleaned teeth after a good morning breakfast but in real actions. Politicians elaborate about peace for Sudan while the mother with her three children had to flee from home and the farm to see her kids on the brink of starvation.

Social media or News Organizations from around the world do not cover the efforts Ghana undertakes and so the rest of the AU countries to fly hungry Sudanese as a means of humanity and in African solidarity to their countries. The world community does not see images of Sudan Camp in Accra or Tema, nor in Cape Town, Pretoria, Nairobi, Windhoek, Harare, Luanda, Kigali, Bamako, or Abuja. The leaders of African countries try to persuade the two rivals in Sudan to end the fighting and establish a long-lasting peace in the nation Sudan.

When the war eventually will be over the African Union and its member states must bow their heads in shame before the graves of the many innocent Sudanese who died because of their inefficient actions and poor understanding of the word solidarity in Pan-Africanism.

By Karl-Heinz Heerde
Dipl.-Pol. Karl-Heinz Heerde (Political Scientist and Historian, Hamburg University 1980-1985), married to Alberta Heerde born Mensah, Ashanti from Kumasi with Ewe roots from Volta Region, Ghana, Entrepreneur and Author of several novels, the new constitution draft for Ghana and various Articles.

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