Opinion › Feature Article     ›   24 Jun 2024

A quick note to Nana Kwame Bediako (aka Cheddar) - who wants to lead Ghana but is yet to gain traction with voters

Dear Cheddar,
I shall go straight to the point: According to bush telegraph sources, apparently, you are confounded, and still can't fathom thus far, why, when you are deadly earnest about wanting to help lift tens of millions nationwide out of the poverty trap, you still haven't yet gained traction with Ghanaian society's proverbial masses (who, as it happens, are actually struggling, on a daily basis, to survive an unprecedentedcost-of-living crisis fueled by price-gouging greedflation that has turned their lives upside down)? Is that fair comment, anaaaa, do you think, Cheddar, lol?

Massa, Ghana has evolved into a Kafkaesque Anansesemkrom, in which integrity has now become an endangered virtue, in a deliberately bankrupted Republic, dominated completely, today, by an incredibly cunning and super-ruthless greed-filled, state-capture rent-seeking criticism-averse big-thieves-in-high-places, focused on sending their individual net worth, to stratospheric heights, at the expense of the masses, oooo. Yoooooooo...

Thus, to be able to lead it successfully, now requires boldness that births the nous and gumption needed to commit to the cross-spectrum-collaboration required to form and lead apolitical coalitions for governments of national unity - made up of the best-in-field world-class individuals with stellar track records that will make them shine and deliver results, regardless of wherever in the planet Earth they are tasked to work. Yooooooooo...

The question there is: Who have you got in mind to select for appointment to become Cabinet Ministers in such an administration - led by you as the President of the Republic of Ghana, and Commander-in-Chief of its military? Name all of them, today, wai - not tomorrow: so that Ghanaians can evaluate and measure their mettle, before the December presidential and parliamentary elections, ooooo, Massa. Hmmm, 3y3nsem piiiii, oooo, Cheddar. Yooooooooo...

Above all, instead of whinning endlessly about faceless, unseen malevolent-mafiosi-cabals (known and unknowable, lol), conspiring to keep you off the ballot for the presidential election, focus, instead, for example, on inking deals with Elon Musk to form a public private partnership (PPP) with his Boring Company, to build and operate a hyperloop network that will transport passengers and good safely from Accra to all the 16 regional capitals in record-timeframes. Simple. Yooooooooo...

That will definitely endear you to voters across the length and breadth of the territorial landmass of our bankrupted Republic - who now want infrastructure built without recourse to hard-to-obtain taxpayer cash by incentivised private sector entrepreneurs, in lieu of being forced to add their blood, sweat and tears to the piled up debt mountain that is preventing their country from growing and moving forward economically. Yooooooooo...

Furthermore, Cheddar, please go to Japan, and all the Nordic countries, asap, please - to negotiate and deliver friendshoring agreements with their leaders: to fund emission-free off-grid clean power sector public private partnerships (PPPs), as well as belt-and-road infrastructure agreements, which will empower their best private sector infrastructure companies, to partner the best Ghanaian private sector construction companies to build, own, manage and transfer (after 35 years) built infrastructure, for our Republic. Simple. Hmmm, 3y3nsem piiiii, oooo, Cheddar. Yoooooooooo...

Finally, Cheddar, on that basis (and in light of all the above), Massa, you will definitely qualify to be voted for, by a majority of those registered to cast votes nationwide, to be selected to lead the Republic of Ghana, after January 2025, if you concretise all the aforementioned - and let that be the walk-the-talk stellar track record needed to convince Ghanaians that you can actually transform their bankrupted Republic into a paradise on earth, in which all demographics live well, and experience happiness filled contentment, if they elect you as their new President, this December. A word to the wise...

By Kofi Thompson
Author has 1203 publications here on modernghana.com

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