Opinion › Feature Article     ›   23 Jun 2024

Are German officials fools?

"Karl and Alberta you know me from the refugee camp close to Rissen Hospital just behind the house Karl used to live with his ex-wife from Kenya. Meanwhile, I moved with my two children into a council flat at the Hamburg Fishmarket. My German is still very bad. The Social Security Office wants me to work as a cleaner a few hours a day in a kindergarten but I don't really want to," said Abigail O. in 2015 while sitting outside her house in Dansoman, a district in Accra, Ghana, enjoying a chilled drink.

"This three-bedroom house is mine. One self-contained room is rented out. My oldest son has a room here for himself to work out. Of course, the German authorities should not hear about it otherwise they will disturb me too much or deport me back to Ghana. One day I will come back here to open a small shop but not now."

"Nice house but a bit empty," said Mr. Karl. Abigail replied that it was enough for a few week's holiday every other year.

Mr. Karl can't recall whether or not he was dreaming about the following conversation or whether it took place in real life.

Joyce Mensah said: "It is true as former AIDS Ambassador of Ghana I did not tell the nation the truth about my status. They assumed I was HIV positive while I was not. The nation Ghana wanted to deal with me seriously but I used my diplomatic passport and flew here to Hamburg. I knew that processing my application and getting refugee status would take a long time. I looked for any man to make me fast pregnant and I was successful in delivering a baby in my first year in Hamburg.

Fast after that, I produced another baby just to make sure not to be sent back and face justice in Ghana but rather enjoy a comfortable life here in Germany. From here each day on Social media I blast against people in Ghana and call them fools. Look at me I used the weakness of Germans their confused mind and good heart to fool them very well. Their laws are an open door for people like me to misuse the German taxpayers very well. I don't think anytime soon Germans will wake up and take drastic action against people like me.

When their officials are as blind as they are how much does the ordinary German who works hard for his money to feed his family and is still so stupid to believe in the goodness of all refugees going to think and be? Do I pity Germans? No why should I? Is it my job to lecture them about us or are they supposed to wake up and be wise? We just use their loopholes to our advantage that is all. I don't see anything wrong with that!"

By Karl-Heinz Heerde
Dipl.-Pol. Karl-Heinz Heerde (Political Scientist and Historian, Hamburg University 1980-1985), married to Alberta Heerde born Mensah, Ashanti from Kumasi with Ewe roots from Volta Region, Ghana, Entrepreneur and Author of several novels, the new constitution draft for Ghana and various Articles.

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