Opinion › Feature Article     ›   23 Jun 2024

I have a dream

Oh Lord, hear my prayer!
I have a dream:
that Africans understand the true meaning of a united Africa!

that Africans overcome their selfishness but work for their nations!

that African citizens and their leaders understand the true meaning of nation-building!

that Africans work on vision and detailed plans to elevate their nation from level to level!

that Africans in respect and trust for each other cooperate to boost their nations and the entire African continent!

that African kingdoms by election are formed to nourish the future of unborn generations!

that African nations protect their beautiful environment and use natural resources wisely for the benefit of all in their countries!

that African kings and leaders understand the true meaning of service and the privilege given to them!

that African leaders are filled with the wisdom to strike multiple deals to keep outside forces in check and play them out against each other for Africa to be the smiling third party and the winner!

that African countries educate a new breed of humans to take dominion over the values of the white man and demonstrate they deserve to be sitting on the throne of world politics leaving the role of victims of history behind!

that African economies are vibrant, innovative, cooperative, and powerful enough to feed the growing populations before the break-even point turns the birthrate into lesser territory!

that you, oh Lord, can turn to your son Jesus Christ and declare that you finally are proud of your work done by seeing your blessed people taking their position in this world with heads high up and noses low! Time for you to rest small!

that the white man looks up to the black man in admiration for all his great achievements and sovereign minds!

Oh Lord, as your son Martin Luther pronounced before the Catholic Church I say: "Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise."


By Karl-Heinz Heerde
Dipl.-Pol. Karl-Heinz Heerde (Political Scientist and Historian, Hamburg University 1980-1985), married to Alberta Heerde born Mensah, Ashanti from Kumasi with Ewe roots from Volta Region, Ghana, Entrepreneur and Author of several novels, the new constitution draft for Ghana and various Articles.

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