Opinion › Feature Article     ›   20 Jun 2024

Analyzing Joyce Bawa Mogtari's Role in Mahama 2024 Campaign's Communication

In the intricate world of political campaigns, communication stands as the linchpin that can sway public opinion, galvanize support, and ultimately determine the electoral success of a candidate. As the head of communication for John Mahama's 2024 campaign, Joyce Bawa Mogtari, Esq, finds herself at the helm of a crucial and complex operation. Her role is not just about disseminating information but about crafting and delivering messages that resonate with diverse audiences while maintaining coherence and consistency across the party's communications. Joyce's appointment is a strategic move by the National Democratic Congress (NDC), given her extensive experience and proven competence in political communication. Her career trajectory, starting from her tenure as Deputy Minister of Transport to serving as a special aide and advisor to the former president, has equipped her with a nuanced understanding of the political landscape. This background is invaluable as she navigates the dual responsibilities of defending the NDC’s record and articulating the future policies and programs outlined in the party’s manifesto.

Expertise and experience in Media Relations and Strategic Networking

Joyce's credentials are impressive and multifaceted. As a lawyer specializing in maritime law, she has honed her analytical and communication skills, which are critical in political discourse. Her proficiency in English and her oratory prowess have been widely acknowledged, setting her apart as a formidable communicator. However, Joyce's recent completion of an MA in Development Communication from the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) underscores her commitment to sharpening her skills in political communication. This academic achievement has likely provided her with a deeper understanding of communication theories and the strategic application of these principles in a political context. One of Joyce’s standout strengths is her excellent media relations. Her ability to connect with influential media personalities in Ghana will enable her to effectively disseminate the NDC’s message to the public promptly. Her media-savvy approach ensures that the party's narratives gain traction and reach a wide audience going into the 2024 general elections. Joyce’s diplomatic handling of media interactions, even in the face of open bias, demonstrates her strategic patience and professionalism. Her recent attendance at the rebranding ceremony of Citi TV to Channel One TV exemplifies her commitment to maintaining strong media connections and staying engaged with key industry stakeholders.

Challenges and Strategic Considerations

One of the significant challenges Joyce faces is the synchronization and harmonization of the party's communication structure. The NDC boasts a plethora of communicators, each bringing their own expertise and class to the table. Ensuring that these voices coalesce into a unified and coherent message is no small feat. Joyce must work closely with the party’s Director of Communication and the National Communication Officer, both of whom are seasoned professionals in their own right. Avoiding clashes and ensuring seamless coordination will be critical to presenting a consistent front to the electorate. Joyce’s understanding of her role is aptly summarized in her own words as posted on LinkedIn “We must communicate effectively, and to stay focused on our goals. We must communicate swiftly, crisply, and persuasively, using all tools to get our message out.” This statement reflects a comprehensive approach to campaign communication, emphasizing speed, clarity, and persuasion.

Social Media and Fake News Management

The era of new media and the prevalence of fake news add layers of complexity to Joyce's role. This year's campaign is a combination of traditional or official campaigns (sanctioned campaigns) and unofficial campaigns (social media) which are mostly utilized by party foot soldiers who will deliberately put out fake news to cause disaffection. To navigate these challenges, Joyce will need to employ a multi-faceted approach:

She should establish a robust presence on social media platforms, which I know she does to proactively share the campaign’s messages and counter misinformation. This includes using verified accounts to ensure authenticity. She should commission a team that will be dedicated to monitoring news on social media for misinformation about the campaign or the candidate. The team can promptly address and correct false narratives. She can also provide training for campaign team members on responsible social media use and establish clear guidelines for online conduct to avoid statements that could cause controversies. And also develop a rapid response system to address controversies or misinformation as they arise. This involves preparing pre-approved statements and responses to potential issues, ensuring the campaign can react quickly and effectively

Strategic Messaging and Empathy
A key aspect of Joyce’s strategy involves crafting clear and consistent campaign messages. This requires a deep familiarity with the campaign’s key messages, goals, and policies. Equally important is the ability to connect with the audience on an emotional level. Joyce recognizes that effective communication is not just about speaking but also about listening. By showing empathy and understanding the concerns of the electorate, she can foster a stronger connection and build trust with the voters. Moreover, managing time effectively, prioritizing tasks, and meeting deadlines are crucial operational aspects of her role. Joyce’s ability to stay calm, composed, and professional, even when faced with challenging questions, will be vital in maintaining the campaign’s credibility and composure under pressure.

Joyce Bawa Mogtari’s role as the head of communication for John Mahama’s 2024 campaign is pivotal. Her extensive experience, academic background, and strategic insights position her well to handle the complexities of this role. By ensuring a synchronized communication structure, crafting clear and resonant messages, and connecting empathetically with the electorate, Joyce has the potential to steer the NDC’s campaign towards a successful outcome. As the campaign progresses, her communication leadership will undoubtedly be a cornerstone of the NDC’s strategy to regain power in the upcoming elections.

By: Azure Imoro Abdulai,
The writer is a Development Communication Expert with an interest in political communication


By Azure Imoro Abdulai
Author has 13 publications here on modernghana.com

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