Opinion › Feature Article     ›   19 Jun 2024

NDC's Progressive Legacy: Transforming Ghana Through Social Justice, Equality, and Sustainable Development

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has a rich history of building national assets for the benefit of all Ghanaians. In contrast, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has a track record of selling off these assets to themselves and their cronies when they come into power.


Party Names:

Membership Terms:


Founding Principles:

Political Orientation:

Color Schemes:

Key Policies:

Leadership class:


Economic Policies:

Social Issues:

International Relations:


Economic Approach:

Key Differences:

  1. NDC focuses on social welfare, education, and healthcare, while NPP prioritizes economic growth and private enterprise.
  2. NDC tends towards a more centralized approach, while NPP favors decentralization and privatization.
  3. NDC prioritizes the general welfare of citizens, while NPP is often accused of prioritizing personal interests and nepotism

Some of National Policies implemented by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Ghana during the periods of 1992-2000 and 2009-2016:


  1. Ghana Education Trust Fund (GETFund)_: Established to provide funding for education infrastructure and resources.
  2. Ghana School Feeding Programme (GSFP)_: Launched to provide meals for schoolchildren.
  3. National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI)_: Established to provide vocational training for youth.
  4. Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC)_: Established to manage Ghana's oil resources.
  5. Ghana Highway Authority (GHA)_: Established to manage and develop Ghana's road network.
  6. National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE)_: Established to promote civic education and democracy.
  7. Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC)_: Established to provide public broadcasting services.
  8. Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA)_: Established to manage Ghana's ports and harbours.


  1. National Identification Authority (NIA)_: Established to issue national ID cards.
  2. Ghana Oil and Gas for Inclusive Growth (GOGIG)_: Launched to promote oil and gas development.
  3. Ghana Skills and Technology Development Project (GSTDP)_: Launched to promote skills development.
  4. National Electronic Payments System (NEPS)_: Established to promote electronic payments.
  5. Ghana Commodity Exchange (GCX)_: Established to promote agricultural trade.
  6. Digital Property Address System (NDPAS)_: Launched to provide digital addressing.
  7. Ghana Post Company Limited (Ghana Post) _: Established to provide postal services.
  8. National Information Technology Agency (NITA)_: Established to promote IT development.

These policies and programs aimed to improve various aspects of Ghanaian life, including education, healthcare, infrastructure, economy, and technology.

"The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has a track record of building national assets for the benefit of all Ghanaians. However, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has a history of selling off these assets to themselves and their cronies when they come into power.

It is essential for every Ghanaian to position themselves well and vote wisely in the upcoming elections. We must not be swayed by the sweet talks and empty promises of the NPP, particularly Vice President Bawumia's "yeti sika su" and I have built toilets here and toilets there rhetoric. Meanwhile, without food or citizens are always hungry, how shall they patronize the so called TOILETS BUILT BY THESE INCOMPETENT NPP GOVT.

Let Us Remember That The NDC Built the Following National Assets:

The second coming of H.E John Dramani Mahama, Flagbearer of NDC and President of Ghana from January 7th, 2025, is all about the welfare of every Ghanaian, purposely providing Jobs through his 24hrs Jobs Economic Policy. Believe in the 24hrs Dream and ignore the propaganda machinations and promises by Nana Bawumiah. The future lies in John Mahama's 24hrs Economy.

Let us reject the NPP's privatization agenda and vote for the NDC to protect our national assets and ensure a brighter future for all. John Mahama's 24hrs Economy is the way forward for Ghana!"

By :
Hon. Simon Yaw Awadzi
Assembly Member for Aborlove Nolopi-KeMA


By Simon Yaw Awadzi
Author has 23 publications here on modernghana.com

Disclaimer: "The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect ModernGhana official position. ModernGhana will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements in the contributions or columns here."

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