Opinion › Feature Article     ›   19 Jun 2024

If needs must why don't we explore space and also become better stewards of our biosphere, too, concurrently?

Dear critical-reader, as wise thinking-beings the question to ponder over is: If needs must, why don't we explore space and also become better stewards of our beleaguered biosphere, which is our only home, too, concurrently?

Take Mars exploration for example: With the greatest respect, isn't it reasonable to posit that humans aren't really designed to live on Mars, which is an inhospitable planet for our species - a harsh and unremittingly hostile place, environmentally speaking, that at best perhaps should be colonised at the behest of curiosity-driven humanity, by AI-bedrocked humanoid robots, for research purposes. No?

Why do humans not rather focus our collective-cognitive-energy, on being better common-good-stewards of our biosphere - which has evolved over millenia to become the perfect habitat for all the lifeforms in it? Haaba.

Surely, that's not beyond human ingenuity - and will that not cost humankind only a fraction of the massive resources now being allocated to a space race that might end up dooming us as a species: a possibility we must not rule out as being beyond the realms of possibility, oooo, yoooooooo. In any case, if needs must, dear critical-reader, why don't we do both concurrently - and make our biosphere a better habitat for all the all the lifeforms in it, that way? Simple commonsense. No? A word to the wise...

By Kofi Thompson
Author has 1203 publications here on modernghana.com

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