Opinion › Feature Article     ›   18 Jun 2024

Nana Frema Busia: Such is the Father's Day challenge

I carried  Ghana in my burdened womb
They poured  harsh acid down my entrails to wound
They had a burial of the living in an open public  tomb 
My soul sang in tunes of grief and despair
And rose up in divine rapturous  repair

I followed their  horror trail
And said Oh No oooooooo No No
To my father's   image and name
Tagged  on Their wicked  tail
of  nefarious political   games

THEY stampeded to derail
Stealthily scripted  "Agyapade3"  tales
Dug a pit  cathedral without renaissance
They are without repentance.
They do not fear God's vengeance
The Busia turning spirit denounce their myriad offers
As they pillage national coffers

I  stand  my ground and take a stance
To fight their might for they are not  right
I intone a continual  wail as I write
My crucified heritage
To vindicate
From their  NPP abusive cage

WILL Ghana awake from a wanton plight
To a rebirth
With necessary outrage
From a  murderous corrupt raid
Or just fade in the ferocious rampage
In this  over burdened  age beyond  aid fake
Where national resources are serially raped
Arise  Arise Ghana?
The cure is not a solitary passage Rite
The time for collective change is Rife
Arise Arise Ghana
Positive Action is  your Birthright.

Copyright :  June 16 2024

Email: busiafordemocracy
@yahoo. com

By Nana Afua Frema Busia
Author has 58 publications here on modernghana.com

Disclaimer: "The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect ModernGhana official position. ModernGhana will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements in the contributions or columns here."

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