Politics › Politics     ›   18 Jun 2024

Bawumia is problem-solver, visionary leader - Kwabena Frimpong

The Deputy Protocol Director of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr. Kwabena Frimpong, has expressed his strong support for Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia as the next President of Ghana, highlighting his unique qualities as a problem solver and visionary leader.

Mr. Frimpong described Dr. Bawumia as a generational thinker with innovative ideas that have addressed many of the country's challenges both digitally and physically. He pointed to several impactful policies and initiatives spearheaded by Dr. Bawumia, showcasing his problem-solving capabilities and vision for Ghana's future.

"Dr. Bawumia has demonstrated his problem-solving capabilities through very impactful policies. For instance, he identified the lack of ambulances in many districts and constituencies and ensured that each constituency received ambulance services, leading to an increase in trained emergency nurses working with the Ambulance Services. Additionally, the drone medical delivery system, in conjunction with ambulance services, has saved many lives across the country. The Gold for Oil policy also helped reduce the escalating fuel prices in Ghana," Mr. Frimpong said.

He further highlighted Dr. Bawumia's role in introducing Mobile Money Interoperability, which has rendered Western Union services largely obsolete and facilitated seamless money transfers across different networks and from banks to mobile money accounts.

Mr. Frimpong outlined several other policies and projects championed by Dr. Bawumia, including the Digital National Identity System, the National Property Address System, and the digitalization of public services to promote efficiency and reduce corruption in agencies such as the Tema Port, ECG, Passport Office, and DVLA. He also noted the provision of over 300 ambulances to all constituencies as a significant achievement.

"Although Dr. Bawumia has never served as President, his signature projects are visible for everyone to see, demonstrating his capability as a leader who has solved generational problems for sustainable development," he added.

Comparing Dr. Bawumia to John Mahama, Mr. Frimpong asserted that Bawumia is more suitable for the presidency due to his track record, competence, and vision.

"Unlike John Mahama, who told the Ghanaian youth that he is not a magician to create jobs for them, couldn't solve 'Dumsor' because Ghanaians have bought many phones, and threatened to bring doctors from Cuba if striking doctors didn’t return to work, Dr. Bawumia has found solutions to these problems. This is the fundamental difference between the two," he stressed.

Mr. Frimpong criticized former President Mahama for his inability to address key issues during his administration, particularly youth unemployment, corruption, arrogance, abuse of power, and the prolonged power crisis known as 'Dumsor.'

He concluded by stating that, economically, data shows that during this Fourth Republic, Mahama's tenure was the weakest in Ghana's history.

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