Opinion › Feature Article     ›   05 Jun 2024

Nana Frema Busia: Ghana's Shocking Politics

Ghana is without apt leadership
H. E Akufo Addo has lost Radar 
In  a menacing Danquaist raid.
Like the new train on test drive, which crashed
He cannot see or hear the evil
in a sinking NPP dented ship
Officiating a scandal a day
In  a corrupt reign
Puts Ghana in abject disarray
It is not the way to  hold sway
Or "break the so called Eight" 
With red marks of fail
All over NPP governance tray 
As though it were doomsday

Has the" guy guy Presido" not lost moral compass?
Wrong doers are giving a pass
With high  marks
Or elevated in Office for incompetence
There is corruption  sophistry and mafia artifice
The law is also such a manipulated jackass
So far so verily sad

There appears no principled creed
Just incessant greed with speed
The Presidential pledge 
to save the national purse
Has reversed into insider deals
And acquisitions like a ritual curse
There is a surreal cruise without controls
Akin to criminal kin pins in disguise
As though in a power plane
With the main aim
To eat the entire national pie
For Ghana to die. 
Sole sourcing and dubious new companies are part of sickening meals
With crookish aides on defensive parades by all means

When will they have Enough
They care Not
The cedi is on fire
The economy is dire
There is such public ire

A G Godfred Dame should sink in his legal quagmire
Be sacked or resign and face  disciplinary rigour
But he is standing akimbo
With SC's Yonny Kulendi who should be in judicial limbo
All is not as ought
Arms of governance fused
And infused with confusion
Must be refused

How Any Lawyer Can NOT
be  subject to ethical sanction
Is an illogical futile debate!
So Reprobate! 

We should be aghast
Ongoing Hapennings are beyond disgust
NPP loyalists defending the indefensible
Are like pests
With parochial  quests
Obeying political behest
Not one bit in the national interest or bequest

NDC rallying on the Trail
Are in a noisy wail
Singing loudly that NDC's  Sins
Comparatively look dim
In incompetence and corruption equalization 
For PR consumption! 
Mosquito General Asiedu Nketia
"Who said Tweaa" 
Is poised  to bite 
" boot for boot"  with  sound bites

Something is not sealed  Airtight
As calls for dismissals, mistrials and reprisals
Await Judicial Insight
Which is  no trite
Didnt  someone in NDC's hidden enclave 
Get us trash as ambulance? 
This confounds
Whoever did this, must be found
And held to ultimate Account
Despite AG Dame's alleged dummy mishap
And unethical self_Trap
It is Ghana that must win this wild legal ride
We need release from IMF and reckless debt_ cave. 

Veep Dr. Bawumia, the uncovered driver's mate
Who theorised us into an economic desert
Is Nevertheless
Eating  an enabled Presidential candidacy as   sweet  dessert
With a  digital spoon before our soiled eyes
Thinking we are not awake from  a hunger cage
After stabbing us with  high sounding lies. 
Is it not rather too late? 
To yearn to scoop  votes he has not truly earned? 
We are injured and Irate
Ghana is a a sorry state
All this while

Let us check the violence wires
Local mercenaries are on hire
No "ogyakromian" life should be on the line
In an NPP/NDC election landmine

Right thinking Ghanaians
Are  in dumsor but not without Power! 
" Yen  gye yen Oman" 
We must not sit tight
We must join hands to fight
For what is right

Ghana's democracy is frail
Our Constitution is rather ill
Justice is in jail
Freedom is in Pain
Corruption is hearty and hail
When, What, Who
Will hold politriksters at bay
From the loot and gain
And cause the nation to exhale
" Nti yen ara asaase  yi nie" 
We need galloping developmental sunny Rays
So let us ACT and surely Pray
For wholesome political days. 

Copyright: June 5, 2024

Email : busiafordemocracy@yahoo,com

By Nana Afua Frema Busia
Author has 58 publications here on modernghana.com

Disclaimer: "The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect ModernGhana official position. ModernGhana will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements in the contributions or columns here."

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