News › Social News     ›   30 May 2024

This crony capitalism — Chief Nurudeen calls for cancellation of SSNIT hotels sale deal

Youth activist and journalist Chief Nurudeen Ibrahim has demanded the immediate cancellation of the proposed sale of the SSNIT hotels.

According to Ibrahim, proceeding with the sale would be a clear case of crony capitalism and a betrayal of public trust.

He asserted that selling the hotels and other public properties only enriches a few wealthy individuals in government, while the majority of Ghanaians are left to suffer.

“It is unacceptable that the government would prioritize private profits over the interests of the people. I don't care which government or party is involved in the sale; my concern as a Ghanaian is to help protect state properties. Otherwise, the youth will inherit nothing in a few years. Both cronies of the NDC and the NPP are involved in this sale and purchase. We are just lucky that the air we breathe is controlled by Allah; otherwise, they would have privatized it or sold it off to a wealthy person among them. It is time for the youth to stand against these unpatriotic dealings, devoid of partisan politics,” he said.

He urged the Ghanaian government, through the Minister responsible for Pensions and the Board of Trustees of SSNIT, to cancel the deal and prioritize the needs of Ghanaian workers and citizens.

Chief Nurudeen emphasized that the hotels are vital to the national heritage and provide affordable accommodations for citizens, especially the less privileged and tourists.

“Selling them to private investors will lead to increased prices, reduced services, and a loss of national assets. I call on all citizens to join me in opposing this privatization and demanding a better future for our country.”

Chief Nurudeen commended the labor union and Hon. Samuel Ablakwa, MP, for rejecting the proposed sale of the hotels.

He also urged civil society groups and well-meaning Ghanaians to speak out against the sale of state properties.

Additionally, Chief Nurudeen criticized the grabbing and sale of state lands in Tamale by some civil servants and high-profile political figures. “These people have become land-guards, selling every piece of land here. In the coming days, I will name and shame some of them,” he added.

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