Opinion › Feature Article     ›   19 May 2024

The Convergence of Public Relations and Journalism: Insights from Twellium Industries' Recent Communication Missteps

In today's dynamic media landscape, the realms of public relations (PR) and journalism frequently overlap. Journalists are adept at shaping compelling news narratives often derived from press releases. Nonetheless, the transition from journalism to PR can be challenging. While about 70% of PR professionals come from journalism backgrounds and excel in their new roles, some encounter difficulties with the intricacies of PR, as exemplified by the recent communication missteps of Twellium Industries' manager.

The Convergence of Skills

Journalism and public relations (PR) both require a shared core skill set centred around the ability to effectively communicate a narrative. Journalists are trained to investigate and uncover facts, present stories in an engaging manner, and maintain an unbiased perspective. These skills are highly relevant in the field of PR, where the ability to craft a clear and compelling message is essential. However, while the fundamental storytelling abilities are similar, the practical application of these skills differs between the two professions. In PR, writing a press release involves creating a concise, targeted, and strategic document that aims to present the company's narrative in the best possible light. This requires anticipating and addressing potential reactions from both the media and the public. It's not just about conveying information but also about strategically shaping the perception of the company or organization. This contrasts with journalism, where the focus is on reporting news in an objective and informative manner. Understanding these nuances is crucial for professionals transitioning between journalism and PR roles.

The Case of Twellium Industries

Twellium Industries, the company behind popular brands like Rush Energy Drink, Verna Mineral Water, Slimfit Water and a host of other soft drinks has encountered several public relations challenges related to the safety of its products and the operational activities of the company. Their recent press release, issued by the communication manager, has come under intense public scrutiny, especially on social media platforms. The release failed to meet the necessary criteria for an effective press release, lacking clarity, a professional tone, and consideration for the target audience. Such oversights can have a significant detrimental impact on the company's reputation.

Upon public outcry, they issued another press release that was supposed to be an apology and even that one too was riddled with the same unprofessional tone.

The two press release

The Importance of Professionalism in PR

In crafting a professional press release, it is essential to ensure that the content is well-structured. This includes a clear and attention-grabbing headline, a compelling lead that succinctly summarizes the key points, comprehensive supporting details to provide context and depth, and a concluding statement that reinforces the main message. Furthermore, the language used should be factual and free from emotional bias, ensuring that the information presented is objective and credible. Regrettably, the recent press release issued by Twellium fell short of these professional standards. The choice of words and tone used by the communication manager exhibited unprofessionalism and emotional language, detracting from the intended impact of the announcement. This incident serves as a reminder of the paramount importance of upholding professionalism in public relations. PR professionals must possess not only exceptional storytelling abilities but also strategic acumen and a deep understanding of their target audience to effectively convey their message.

The Role of Professional Bodies

The current situation serves as a stark reminder of the indispensable role played by professional organizations such as the Institute of Public Relations Ghana (IPR-Ghana) in shaping the public relations landscape. Membership and accreditation from esteemed organizations like IPR-Ghana serve as a testament to the commitment of PR practitioners in upholding industry standards and ethical guidelines. Employers are encouraged to prioritize candidates who possess such credentials as a means of safeguarding and fortifying their company's image and reputation. It's evident that in the case of Twellium Industries, the ramifications of the crisis could have been mitigated had the company invested in a PR professional with more extensive qualifications and experience. By doing so, they could have potentially averted or minimized the impact of the crisis while simultaneously improving their public perception and standing.


The merging of public relations (PR) and journalism provides a valuable skill set for storytelling and media engagement. However, switching from journalism to PR requires an understanding of strategic communication, audience engagement, and professional ethics. Twellium Industries' recent experience emphasizes the importance of professionalism and the value of accredited PR practitioners. By investing in qualified PR professionals, companies can better handle crises and safeguard their reputations in the public eye.

By: Azure ImoroAbdulai

By Azure Imoro Abdulai
Author has 13 publications here on modernghana.com

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