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Based on Bawumia's date of birth he would be president in 2024 - Avers Jonni

A Name Specialist, Maxwell Jonni, popularly known as Jonni has predicted Dr. Mahmudu Bawumia to win the 2024 general elections.

According to him, examining the birth dates of both Dr. Bawumia and former President John Dramani Mahama, "Bawumia is highly favoured by nature to become president than Mahama."

In an interview with DC Kwame Kwakye on GBC Radio Central on Sunday, December 3, 2023, he intimated that "Date of birth determines the cycle of every person in every year. This cycle rotates every nine years and one's life begins again at the end of the ninth year."

Examining the date of birth of Dr Mahmudu Bawumia (October 7), he revealed that 2024 becomes the auspicious year for Dr. Bawumia. "This is the year which a lot of good things that would favour him would happen including achieving his long-held ambition of becoming president of the Republic of Ghana", he emphasised.

When his attention was drawn to the fact that the economy is not doing quite well and there are a lot of anger among Ghanaians towards the Akufo-Addo's government, Jonni stated, "when the forces of nature favours an individual in a particular year, the physical circumstances and happenings cannot offset it."

He added, "2024 favours Alhaji Dr. Mahmudu Bawumia than all other candidates including all those who contested against him during the NPP primaries."

The Name Specialist further argued that irrespective of the victory that awaits Dr. Bawumia, he needs to surround himself with people who share in his vision and not those who might sabotage his vision just for pecuniary and selfish purposes.

To this, he hinted that Dr. Bawumia must as a matter of urgency find someone who knows more about spiritual matters to assess those around him to determine who can help him achieve his vision. "The right ones are those who are sincere and not those who are interested in only making money. The year is good for him to reap whatever he has sown over the years, whether good or bad."

He however hinted that the year would be good for him and anything he has dreamt about and been fighting for is likely to materialise in 2024. "This is the year where something unexpected can come his way. Indeed, someone can gift him something monumental that would amaze him."

On John Mahama, Jonni revealed that the former President according to his cycles of life, 2024 would be his adversary year considering his date of birth (November, 29). "Thus, 2024 would be the year where a lot of challenges would bedevil the former president. This makes his chances of ascending the presidency very slim", he affirmed.

The Name Specialist indicated that if things go awry than predicted, then, it is probably because the dates of birth put in the public are not the correct ones. "If they are the correct ones, then nothing should change in 2024", he insists.

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