Opinion › Feature Article     ›   14 Sep 2023

Nana Frema Busia: 'Hurricane' ECOWAS Vrs Niger Dilemma

Pardon, let us cut through the chase, the essential question is :Why would ECOWAS render  itself a vehicle for abusive use  and colonialists subterfuge when France and USA  with  superior military power and massive economic interests in Niger already  have military presence on the ground  if they want a massive African  massacre  to reinstate their vital  uranium  interests?

Africa's Independence
Is  not Real and True
Not even a Truce
Dependency is the Trail
With full proofs and deep Roots

Francophone Africa
Has been in a Trance
An Embattled dependent in Transition ?
Due France incorrigible Intransigence
Dependency is a dark Tale
That can be visibly Traced

Now Hurricane ECOWAS
In a  mode of internacine War
With its unveiled Self
Is To Help France
To Africa  Trounce
Instead of France Denounce?
ECOWAS, ever the ready Serf

For some USA dollars , French francs and or  British Pounds
ECOWAS will Pounce?
No Doubt
The War Bout
Will have Africa at its knees  Bow
As they shoot endless Bows directed at no culprits Except Ourselves?

SO We Ask: Why is ECOWAS being led by an infamous racket  of mis- leaders off their ruckers who are angling with blinkers on, marching to a colonial requiem mass  in a  graveyard of enslavement that  never stopped?

It seems that whereas  France has her  francophone -African compact that ensures overt dictatorship and resource plunder;  the British  so entrenched the psyche of inferiority  that ECOWAS misleaders willingly hand over  resources in acquiescence  for "power  sharing" and corruption kick backs and allow military basis etc which they think gives them protection, So that their bad governance does not Unravel

When the now downgraded  "tropical  ECOWAS storm " decided to capsize Niger  in order to essentially restore the dictatorial colonial order of France, were they blindsided? Oh no,  they were acting in  abject betrayal of Africa as they have always done in their entrenched self interest for their own power' sake.

This is why Huge Threatening  clouds  gather, as Africa is to ready herself  to fight her self into a killing field of self - destructive stupor rather than stand up in collective defiance  to finally resolve strangulating neo - colonial economic bongage which is  the fundamental ongoing issue in Africa in general?

So Let US Ask :Why has ECOWAS "strongmen" brandishing war  and the  AU  not issued an ultimatum to France to release Niger and all of  francophone Africa  from its  financial and resource colonial Pact  as part of a  negotiated political and diplomatic settlement for coup juntas to hand over power?

Why is Niger the sole  target for counter -coup intervention?  Due to her coveted Uranium, Niger is to  continue to be an open sesame for  Western interests. The threatened  Niger war, is certainly about URANIUM and other resources  which can no longer be a urinal for France and her power allies to offend the conscience. 

See how the military junta has done due justice by moving the price of Uranium  from a bargain basement dysmal  price  of  86 pence per kilo which France was  paying  to world  market price of €200. This is exemplary of the resource racketeering that is fundamental to the ongoing coup detats in francophone Africa

Can we inquire why ECOWAS   with  blinkers on did  not  threaten or initiate military interventions in Mali, Bukina Faso, or  advocate AU war intervention in Chad etc. Is it because those  pre-existing military coups are deemed justifiable  REVOLT, saying , Enough with senseless  endless colonial subjugation?

***Oh my goodness, Is the recent Gabon coup  dètat with Ali Bongo's pathetic plea for noise making, a palace -coup orchestrated by France  in richochet self defense to continue to protect its interests  while Niger coup is to be overthrown by an  ECOWAS counter coup?.  Oh la la coup detat  by proxy, African leadership against African interests  is back in the news.? Apparently nothing new!
Is the Gabon coup justifiable and the the Niger Coup Not ?

If there is a concept of justifiable coup detat, then  would Niger coup junta   fighting ultimately  for economic freedom from France not be a matter of epic heroism worthy of commendation rather than condemnation? Just wondering?

Did we  not hail freedom fighters in the Independence Struggle?  and is economic freedom not integral to and without which Independence is truly meaningless?

I almost forgot, as a matter of fact some of these  ECOWAS  misleaders  who are  in a panicky self -protectionist mode  have operative  National Constitutions with entrenched clauses that protect coup makers from prosecution for treason as they prepare for war against Niger military junta. Can we ask why they have not removed specks from their democratic eyes?

While blaming Ukraine war for their woes, Hypocritical and bloodthirsty ECOWAS heads of States and governments ironically  gunning for War in Niger are  also afraid of their  own corruption shadows, misgovernance, and harsh  coup -enabling conditions  in their respective countries as they  sit in their glasshouses  to throw would- be far reaching ammunition with dire international geo- political consequences. Have they  fully assessed the human and developmental security Costs?

They know or ought to know that  the  pathos of  intractable Economic injustice  has given impetus and credence to  the self classd freedom fighting Francophone African military juntas  to Act against  destabilised economies and resource drainage due to  their dependent Independence in overt  strangulating  and certainly  illogical contractual  pacts with Imperialist  France.

  Anglophone West Africa dutifully  and shamefully comply covertly to the tune of their colonial masters in the dance of economic savagery that  impoverish their citizens  even with no pacts because they are corrupt, selfish, greedy and without sacrificial empathy for the nations they lead

It is  indeed ECOWAS citizens who should  be up in arms  against economic malaise and misgovenance by their knee - jerk leaders kotowing to their own  selfish and  western interests without  or perhaps  inspite of  a nuanced  understanding  of the  renewed winds of change blowing furiously  against Neo -colonial  oppression  to which they  are summary  beneficiaries .

The  Ruderless ECOWAS  heads of States and government misleaders looking  War in the face and  faking righteous anger  as they claim to seek peace in the name of a mythical   democracy and rule of law which they do not practice Led by Tinubu  of Nigeria who is in desperate need of  legitimacy from a compromised election  and Ouatara  of Ivory Coast in an "illicit" 3rd term otherwise known as constitutional coup detat have no moral standing

With Ghana,  trumpeting herself as a  Gateway to Africa with an International airport named  after Gen.Kotoka  who led the  overthrow of the late iconic  Nkrumah,  ECOWAS leaders are  looking like a curiously dubious bunch  subjugating  a  huge mass of ECOWAS citizens as condemned perennial beggars in a poverty dichotomy dependent on fatigued  foreign Aid, cyclical and  addictive  IMF  Loans with  deadly "hair- cuts" etc. while  debilitating huge debt burdens are without  commensurate  developmental evidence in spite of  vantage  multi natural resource endowments exploited for the benefit of  enriched western countries.

It is  this  overall scenario of Economic injustice  that has re-birthed the Francophone  military juntas against their destabilised economies and resource drainage since their dependent Independence !

ECOWAS leaders if unyielding to the significant voices urging diplomacy and caution  must know  that their Niger misadventure will be no panacea  or deterrence to  coups without resolving the fundamental issue of neo-colonial economic sabotage and  injustice  and their own greedy and selfish undemocratic misrule while cavoting with colonial masters  and expatriate firms to perpetuate  long arm interests in signing idiotic agreements  comparable to rape and armed robberies while they live in their  Presidential folly  paradise of plenty,  And, the masses live in unmasked  angst of unyielding mediocrity and indignities while pivotal resources  service the west at a pittance.

If this unmitigated exploitation is  what rule of law and democracy looks like  for Africa as defined by neo -   colonial  and western Imperialists  with their  threatening military bases all over Africa with complicìty by African leaders to ensure compliance of a continent in chains,  Who needs  this defaced version of democracy ?

Who owns and manages the oil fields that drip exploitative riches,  the Timber and gold  that tumbles our forests into embers of  sorrows and leaves us  wastelands. Who owns our  diamonds that causes us teardrops ?  ECOWAS heads of States and governments happily and harply shortchange  their nations for  5 to 10% crumbs and royalties  that ensure our governments loyalties to their masters while  similar agreements elsewhere   have better metrics. 

**** The problem is  African leadership  morass,  corruption and ineptitude as they sell the continent cheap for hospice care that keeps Africa hostage in an economic cave.***

So then, as  ECOWAS heads ponder going to stage a counter coup in Niger under the guise and misguidance of rule of law and  reinstatement of democracy, What rule of law is being practised by France in her strangulating colonial compact of  horrendous economic  injustice? 

Should ECOWAS not be more concerned about  impoverished masses and  perennial  resource mismanagement and poverty syndrome tatoed on the foreheads of  the vast African laughing stock we call  independent Africa?

We are  certainly not naievely  unwary of military adventurists who bolt onto the scene with idealistic  outrage, often commit atrocities for which they negotiate amnesties prior to leaving the scene  or revamp into fake civilian rulership. They play to the gallery of expectations at outset, clothed with a  self proclaimed loyalty  mantle,  but they  are not equipped to rule and soon  become  corrupt and  inept and betray the  civilians  who hail their so called redemption or liberation with hope of a fresh start.  This is  also the dilemma  of the known ghosts of military dictatorships

However, right now the military juntas are a cause cèlebre, they are  self classd  "neo -freedom fighters "and must they be dislodged or rather reasoned with to gradually hand over after sanity is made to prevail with  France ?

***Is This not an opportune moment to intervene with the entire West that  bulldoze her way through Africa's resource rich continent with  such a tour de  force that they cause our economic walls to cave in so that we are unable to stand united as we fall???? Where are the EU and UN in all of this?

Why has the  AU living in its compromised "Chinese castle"  (what a disgrace to African pride) , not issued an ultimatum to France to release francophone Africa from its insufferable financial and resource drainage that saps its essence in imperialist supremacy and oppression .
ECOWAS must note that war vultures have already gathered. Even when the borders  and air spaces are closed ,  arms have  poured  in from the sahel and elsewhere, deals behind the scenes have already been  cut, Niger is not the only prize,  it is all of Africa that  will pay a needless price in human sacrifice, in political instability  in food and climate  insecurity , deepen her wounds of third world stigma , a continent that need to stand up and be counted on the world stage by rapid developmental engagement in research and usage of technology  etc must quit the misleadership crass  and  selfishness and corruption mania  that holds  us  bound by the  bootstraps of Presidential and heads of states and goverments treachery in the weighing and balancing of the  treasuries

They must  certainly reference Ukraine if they think they are going in for a quick snipper action fix when their own economies are in disarray;  they should look at Ukraine  closely,they should look at the complexity of a Nato / USA,  China Russia,  Wagner and insurrectionists  proxy war and the arms proliferation nightmare that  surely is,  and, will intensify. They  must look themselves closely in the mirror of Truth and self censure before going trigger happy in Niger.

Indeed is it not time for most of ECOWAS current leadership  to vacate the scene, as joint custodians of developmental ineptitude?

Will the impoverished masses of ECOWAS  continue to be too timid to  spontaneously riot for the justice due them?  Will this supposed  Niger coup deterrence not backfire and stoke  more profound Freedom  fires  to be lit?  Remember Sri Lanka?

Even if ECOWAS were to have temporary success in disengaging the military in Niger as a distraction  to their failures at home, will this diversionary tactic stop the tide of  conscientious objection ?
Can anyone  stop an  eruption of spontaneous justice when  citizens  Rise Up at the appropriate time and  gather fearless courage?  what then? what will ECOWAS governments do?  Declare war on and Slaughter their citizens So that Economic dependence shall have ultimate  fruition..?

  ECOWAS  that is ever so slow in collaborating on resource and developmental synergies must instead of  flexing muscles  to bolster western interests  on the ground,   retool to fight for her soul in  developmental dignity.

Henceforth, Should criteria for an African  Presidency ought not include preparedness to die.? to stand up  to neo_ colonialists for what is right even if imperialist  forces will kill you or engineer your overthrow?.  Will  they not reach a saturation point ?

ECOWAS  and the AU must ACT to  Free Francophone Africa from  her tirade of  strangulating indefensible contractual strictures with the  understanding that the independence Halleluiah chorus  was hollow and expedient and without concrete foundation . Do we hold our breath in futility?

Shall we say,  shall we put it this way. Au revoir France? AU Revoir Imperial subjugation by the West? WHEN? Viva Economic  Freedom ?

Email : busiafordemocracy@yahoo.com 

By Nana Afua Frema Busia
Author has 58 publications here on modernghana.com

Disclaimer: "The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect ModernGhana official position. ModernGhana will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements in the contributions or columns here."

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