News › Education     ›   26 Aug 2023

National Peace Council engages students of St. Mary's SHS to be peace ambassadors

The Director of Capacity Development and Outreach for the National Peace Council (NPC), Janet Samey-Kuma has urged the students of St. Mary's Senior High School to be peace ambassadors both at school and in the communities they live in.

“Peace is possible. We must teach these young people to embrace peace among themselves as they are young. The only way forward is peace, not conflict or violence”, Janet Samey-Kuma said.

Mrs. Janet Samey-Kuma disclosed this on Friday, August 25, during a peace sensitization outreach at the school premises.

About 500 students who gathered at the School's Assembly Hall were taken through the basics of conflict management, conflict resolution, violence, and tolerance in order to build sustainable peace among themselves and in the country at large.

"We came here to teach you about peaceful co-existence. We realized that it's very important that peace goes down to everybody," she said.

So far, the National Peace Council outreach team has visited 7 SHS namely; Osu Presbyterian Sernior High, La Presbyterian Sernior High, Accra Academy Sernior High, Achimota Sernior High, Nungua Senior High, St. Mary' Sernior High School.

Mrs. Janet Samey-Kuma is hopeful that the education outreaches will help to reach every child in every school.

"It is something we hope to continue. We have so many schools in Ghana we would like to visit and we must catch people young and teach them the basis of conflict management and how to manage offers and disputes among themselves," she indicated.

She noted that the NCP is putting measures in place to have peace education in all the districts in the country to maintain peace before, during, and after the election.

Awini Anaba Hillary, the head girls perfect of St Mary's Senior High School speaking in an interview with the media, commended the National Peace Council for choosing the school among others for this important education.

She said peace sensitization is an eye-opener that will go a long way to enable them to live in harmony.

She emphasized that, as the head girl's prefect, she will use her position to preach peace to her colleagues both at school and at home.

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