Science › Science     ›   05 Jul 2023

ASA Savings and Loans plant trees at Dormaa SHS

Dormaa Senior High School (SHS) has benefited from the tree-planting exercises of ASA Savings and Loans Ltd.

Since March this year, the Savings and Loans company has been planting trees across the various regions as part of efforts to green the country.

Having set out to plant 2,000 trees before the end of 2023, ASA Savings and Loans have now exceeded that target and are close to planting 3,000 trees.

Today, the company has planted 160 trees at the Dormaa Senior High School in the Bono Region.

The tree planting was done by officials of ASA Savings and Loans in collaboration with teachers and students of the school with supervision from the Forestry Commission represented by Asare Kenneth.

Among the trees planted include Mahogany, ofram, coconut, guava and mango.

Speaking during the exercise, Isaac Agyapong who is the Area Manager of ASA Savings and Loans in Dormaa explained that the exercise is part of his outfit’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

He reiterated that the plan is to vegetate the environment in addition to other CSR activities.

The Corporate Manager of the company, Richard Nartey noted that "It is the company’s way of responding to emerging global issues such as environmental pollution and effects of climate change, as well as ensuring socially responsible stewardship."

He added that it is the company’s transition to a green economy and the pursuit of long-term sustainability.

"Sustainability is about preserving the natural resources and the climate for future generations," he stated.

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