World › International     ›   19 Jun 2023

Writers Unite for Peace: PEN International Demands an End to Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Members of PEN International’s Writers for Peace Committee have renewed their appeal to Russian authorities for an immediate and unconditional halt to their destructive war against Ukraine, branding it as a clear violation of international law and international norms.

The collective voice of the Writers for Peace Committee expressed full solidarity with the Ukrainian people, who are battling to retain their freedom amid a large-scale military invasion by the Russian Federation.

Alarming reports of summary executions of civilians and prisoners of war, enforced disappearances, torture, conflict-related sexual violence, and forced deportations have begun to emerge. Thousands of Ukrainian civilians, including children, have reportedly been forcibly transported to the Russian Federation, a series of acts that the Committee describes as war crimes.

The group has welcomed the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrants against Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, citing the forcible transfer of children as a war crime. It further called on the ICC to issue more arrest warrants as investigations into alleged crimes by Russian forces proceed.

With a stern condemnation of the threats to the lives and safety of all civilians in Ukraine, including writers and journalists, the Committee demanded the immediate release of individuals held solely for expressing their views peacefully. They also expressed concern at the scale of destruction and looting of Ukraine’s cultural heritage by Russian forces.

Echoing the sentiment of many artists and cultural actors bravely continuing their work under trying circumstances, the international community was urged to support Ukraine in documenting such attacks and seeking restitution and restoration.

The committee underscored that nuclear threats are unacceptable and accountability for war crimes is crucial, demanding immediate justice for those responsible.

This statement from PEN International’s Writers for Peace Committee is not the first of its kind. They have repeatedly called on the Russian Federation to halt its devastating war against Ukraine, including a Resolution adopted at PEN International’s 88th annual Congress in Uppsala, Sweden, in September 2022 and a statement marking a year of war crimes and resolve in Ukraine, issued on 23 February 2023.

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