Politics › NPP     ›   14 Feb 2023

Election 2024: 'She is Christine Churcher of our time' — Cape Coast South NPP roots for Sarah Afful to recapture parliamentary seat

Delegates in the Cape Coast South Constituency of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Central Region have tipped Madam Sarah Affu the current Regional Director of the Youth Employment Agency (YEA) as the best person to recapture the lost parliamentary seat in the 2024 general elections due to her commitment to the party at the grassroot level.

According to them, Madam Sarah Afful will snatch the seat with ease for the NPP based on her cordial relationship with members of the party and even beyond.

At a youth forum organized by the University of Cape Coast branch of TESCON held on Saturday, the delegates drawn from all the Polling Stations in the Cape Coast South Constituency expressed their readiness to vote massively for Madam Sarah Afful if she listens to their pleas to contest for the parliamentary primaries when the party opens up for nominations.

"Even though we are waiting for the opening of nominations for potential candidates to contest for the parliamentary primaries, we with one accord want Madam Sarah Afful to contest because she is capable of recapturing our parliamentary seat.

"We see her as the Christine Churcher of our time. She will be the second coming of Hon. Christine Churcher to bring back the spirit of commitment and dedication to Cape Coast South NPP. Our former Member of Parliament for the Cape Coast Constituency, Hon Christine Churcher was the epitome of development who stood up for the betterment of the people in Cape Coast and its environment.

"Her hard work and commitment led her to win Cape Coast South Constituency when it was curved out of then Cape Coast Constituency in the 2000 general elections under former President, His Excellency John Agyekum Kufour. She represented the people of Cape Coast from 1996 to 2009 thus turning Cape Coast township to a 'No Go Area' for the other political parties.

"That is exactly what we see in Madam Sarah Afful, the current Regional Director of the Youth Employment Agency (YEA). Her term of office has seen massive improvement in infrastructure, youth growth and development," the group stated.

They therefore expressed optimism that Madam Sarah Afful would not turn her back on the constituents when elected and would lead the crusade for breaking the 8.

Madam Sarah Afful who received a rousing welcome from the youth tasked them to work in unison to ensure total victory for the NPP in the forthcoming 2024 general elections.

She noted that the party could only achieve the 'breaking the 8' agenda if they worked together as one family with a common purpose.

"Times are hard though, but in the wake of the global economic crisis, the NPP Government led by His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo has performed better than any government in record time.

"The Youth Employment Agency is continually providing jobs for youth in the areas of nursing, policing, fire fighting, and other sectors of the economy to empower them economically thus becoming self-sufficient.

"Those of us in the Cape Coast South Constituency can attest to the fact that my office has created job opportunities for hundreds of the youth who are serving as Community Police Assistant, Community Health Workers, Fire Service Assistants as well as Prison Office Assistants among others.

"Am therefore well-positioned for any task ahead when the opportunity comes. Let all rally behind President Akufo Addo led government to take Ghana to the Promise Land," she stated.

Madam Sarah Afful thanked the delegates for the confidence reposed in her saying she would respond positively to their call when the time comes for the parliamentary primaries.

"I know that the Cape Coast South Parliamentary seat is very important to the NPP as a Political Party and we must recapture it at all cost, but it is too early for now because nominations forms have not been opened yet so let wait patiently for the right time to come," Madam Sarah Afful noted.

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