News › Social News     ›   17 Jan 2023

Agradaa arrested for another trouble

Nana Agradaa

Founder and leader of Heaven Way Champion International Ministry, Patricia Asieduaa Koranteng, aka Nana Agradaa, has landed herself in fresh trouble as she has once again been arrested by the police.

The embattled former fetish priestess was rearrested yesterday at the forecourt of the Accra Circuit Court by officers of the Ghana Police Service when she appeared for one of her cases.

Although it was not clear why she was arrested, information available indicate that the arrest related to a case she has with a pastor by name Appiah Biblical.

Agradaa is currently before two different Circuit Courts facing charges of charlatanic advertisement and defrauding by false pretences.

It was one of the cases that she had appeared for when she was arrested after the court proceedings.

The accused, who according to sources initially resisted arrest, was captured on video saying, “I am going with them (the police) so when you go, tell them that the case with Appiah which is in court was called today, it was adjourned but they are arresting me again because of the case with

Appiah,” as she was escorted into a police vehicle.

The police at the time of writing this story did not provide any official information regarding the arrest.

Agradaa escaped arrest last week after an Accra Circuit Court turned down a request by the prosecution to issue a bench warrant for her arrest, after she failed to show up for one of her trials.

“The accused person has refused to meet all the bail conditions. She has not been reporting to the police as she has been directed. The only way to get her to comply is to issue a bench warrant for her arrest,” DSP Sylvester Asare had told the court.

The court rejected the request but urged counsel for Agradaa to advise her.

Agradaa is before the court on charges of defrauding by false pretences and charlatanic advertisements.

The accused, according to court documents, defrauded her victims by promising to double any amount they gave her.

Nana Agradaa, according to court documents, through an advertisement on her Today TV and other social media platforms urged her victims to give out any amount of money, which she will in return double for them.

The documents said the six complainants in the instant case as well as over one thousand other persons, came from far and near and attended the all-night service and gave out various sums of money as requested by Nana Agradaa for doubling. She failed to deliver on her promise, the documents allege.

She has pleaded not guilty to the seven charges levelled against her by the police and was remanded on two separate occasions. She was later granted a bail of GH¢50,000 and GH¢100,000 respectively.

-DGN online

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