World › International     ›   10 Dec 2022

​​​Write for Rights: World’s biggest human rights event returns for Human Rights Day 2022

Activists across the globe will mark this year’s Human Rights Day by taking part in the world’s biggest human rights event: Amnesty International’s Write for Rights campaign. Held annually since 2001, Write for Rights sees people in more than 200 countries and territories take millions of actions in support of people whose human rights are under attack.

Reflecting the growing global threat to the right to protest—and tying in with Amnesty’s new global Protect the Protest campaign—Write for Rights 2022 is campaigning for 13 individuals who have paid a great price for speaking out.

This year’s campaign includes a lawyer from Hong Kong jailed for encouraging people to light candles to commemorate the Tiananmen Square crackdown; an Iranian man jailed and tortured for peacefully protesting against inequality and political repression who has been held in solitary confinement for more than two years; and three Zimbabwean activists who were abducted, beaten, sexually assaulted and jailed because of their activism.

“Year after year, Write for Rights offers a reminder of the enduring power of collective action. The campaign has shown time and again that when enough people come together and challenge injustice with one voice, authorities do listen and lives can be transformed,” said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General.

“Everywhere you look across the world, the right to protest is coming under attack. Over the last 12 months alone, from Iran to Cuba and beyond, we’ve seen a host of protest movements met with repressive government responses. It’s only fitting that for Write for Rights 2022, activists are speaking up in solidarity with those who are paying a heavy price for speaking out.”

Every December, people around the world write millions of letters, emails, tweets, Facebook posts and postcards in support of those who are unjustly persecuted. Write for Rights has helped transform the lives of more than 100 people since 2001, freeing them from torture, harassment, or unjust imprisonment. In 2021, more than 4.5 million actions were taken.

Last year’s campaign featured Guatemalan teacher and environmental activist, Bernardo Caal Xol, who had been sentenced to more than seven years in prison on bogus charges aimed at preventing his work to protect his people’s land and resources. Write for Rights 2021 saw more than half a million actions taken on his behalf and, in March 2022, he was released. In a video message to Amnesty International activists, he said:

“I, Bernardo Caal Xol, a member of the Maya Q’eqchi’ people of Guatemala, am grateful to each and every one of you. You have given me hope for the justice, liberty and equality that must prevail in every people and nation.”

Across all regions of the world, state authorities are implementing an expanding array of measures to suppress dissent. Protesters across the globe are facing a potent mix of restrictions, with a growing number of laws and other measures to limit the right to protest. These include preventing, forbidding, and criminalising protests, excessive and unnecessary use of force, the unlawful use of law enforcement equipment, unlawful arrests and detentions, the expansion of unlawful mass and targeted surveillance, internet shutdowns and online censorship, and harassment and stigmatization.

People who face inequality and discrimination, whether based on race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, disability, occupation, social, economic or migratory status are also more affected by restrictions on their right to protest and face harsher repression.

This year, Write for Rights is featuring 13 people whose lives have been negatively impacted by governments’ crackdown on the right to protest:

Write for Rights began 21 years ago in Warsaw, Poland, when a group of friends decided to celebrate Human Rights Day with a 24-hour letter-writing marathon. From 2,326 letters in 2001 to 4.5 million letters, tweets and petition signatures in 2021, Write for Rights has grown into the world’s biggest human rights event.

For more information about Write for Rights, see here. For more information about Amnesty International’s Protect the Protest campaign, see here.

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