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Some Ghanaians express dissatisfaction with Akufo-Addo’s economic address

Several Ghanaians have expressed disappointment in the speech delivered by President Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo on the ailing economy.

While registering their disgust on Twitter, they indicated that the President's speech contain nothing tangible to deliver citizens from the current economic quagmire.

Speaking on Sunday, October 30, President Akufo-Addo indicated that his government is known for the implementation of good policies and social interventions in hard times.

“My government has always been cognisant of the importance of implementing policies and social interventions to relieve Ghanaians of hardships.

“It is for this reason that over the first five (5) years in office government reduced electricity tariffs cumulatively by 10.9%, we provided free water and electricity as well as reduced tariffs for the entire population during a whole year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We increased the share of the District Assemblies Common Fund to persons with disabilities by 50%; we exempted Kayayei from market tolls; we expanded the LEAP by one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) beneficiaries; we expanded School Feeding from 1.6 million children to 2.1 million children,” he noted.

The President continued “We restored teacher and nursing training allowances; we absorbed the cost of BECE and WASSCE exam registrations for parents; no guarantor is now required to obtain student loans. The Ghana card is sufficient; and we have implemented free TVET as well as free senior high school education.”

He acknowledged, “It is obvious, fellow Ghanaians, that you have a government that cares. We are determined to restore stability to the economy, and provide relief. We are all in this together, and I am asking for your support to rescue Ghana from the throes of this economic crisis.

“I have total confidence in our ability to work our way out of our current difficulties. We are not afraid of hard work. We will triumph, as we have triumphed many times before.”

He further called for communal efforts to turn the situation for the better. “Let us unite, and rally around our Republic, its institutions and its democratic values, and insist that, under God, we will emerge victorious from our current difficulties. For this too shall pass, as the Battle is the Lord’s.”

But some Ghanaians who saw nothing important in the 28-minute length speech reacted below;

Kevin Taylor said: “Nana Akufo Addo is a waste of time. I want to understand from the @NPP_GH if that was a presidential speech or speech from a drug addict. I am so disappointed because I was thinking for the first time this dick head @NAkufo Addo was going to make his wife and kids proud but.”

Captain Smart said: “Fellow Ghanaians am I the only one Confused?. What is he saying koraaa. As3m b3n nie.”

Albert Nat Hyde stated that “You listen to Mahama speak on the economy and you listen to Nana Addo speak on the economy and you wonder who the real President is.

Joyce Bawah Mogtari wrote, “So what exactly did the President say about ameliorating hardship? Or are all just chasing Dollars on the black market.”

Edem Abagbana stated: “Wasted 28-30 minutes of my evening listening to A FAILED LEADERS’EMPTY SPEECH. When he talking in Opposition, he didn’t know ‘Sika mp3 dede.”

Sneaker Nyame wrote: “Sika mp3 Dede”

"I knew this man was a fraud boy.”

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