Opinion › Feature Article     ›   21 Apr 2022

If Jean Mensah Will Be Clean In 2024, The NPP Should Never Be A Threat To Any Ghanaian Political Party

The New Patriotic Party, under the current president, Nana Akufo Addo, is not a serious government that should be a threat to any political party in Ghana because the party didn’t win the 2020 elections. Akufo Addo is both enjoying and disgracing himself under a stolen presidential verdict orchestrated by Jean Mensah and Kwasi Anin-Yeboah.

It’s not a hidden agenda or something secret that Akufo Addo didn’t win the 2020 presidential race. I see the NPP government today as a toothless dog barking for people to hear, but they know deep inside that they are not close to what they campaigned against in Mahama’s era.

The NPP government can’t fully accept that "we have done very bad" to the ordinary Ghanaians. Therefore, once in a while, they will let their voice be heard on issues that are going in their favor. One of them is digitalization. However, Ghanaians want jobs, so such feats don’t mean anything to them at the moment.

The dishonesty of the Chief Justice, Kwasi Anin-Yeboah, and the Electoral Commission's boss, Jean Mensah, is responsible for today's abysmal suicidal government of Akufo Addo and unprecedented hardships to ordinary Ghanaians

What ordinary Ghanaians must fully be aware of the current government under the president, Nana Akufo Addo, is that Ghana is now a sunken ship that can’t be salvaged, politically and economically. Yet, the desperate NPP government will do everything to hold on to power after 2024.

Since in Ghana, the Electoral Commission has an autonomous constitutional authority responsible for administering elections and determining the results in the country, what Ghanaians need to worry about is whether Jean Mensah, the EC boss, will be stupid enough to repeat the same mistakes in 2020.

Sometimes, when I read about Ghanaians claiming the NDC has no chance of winning the 2024 elections or the NPP will break the 8, I don’t blame them because I have already said a number of times that what is being run in Ghana as politics, is not politics at all but only for politicians and their families to feed.

If you are an intelligent Ghanaian, concerned about the country’s development and the future of the next generation, there are serious questions you need to begin asking yourself today before 2024. Why is it that a government that told us the NDC was corrupt is now more corrupt than the former party?

Why did a party that told us they were coming to cut taxes rather introduce so many taxes and impose an E-Levy on us? Why did the NPP tell us that Mahama had overborrowed and that, as a result, they would cut spending and end up incurring Ghana's highest debt?

The NPP told us that John Mahama is inefficient and corrupt, but why did he execute so many projects, including uncompleted schools and hospitals, yet the NPP, which claims not to be corrupt, can’t even account for what they used Ghana’s money for, despite such huge debt?

For the tribal bigots promoting bad governance in Ghana, it doesn’t matter if Akufo Addo is corrupt because Mahama was, and it doesn’t matter if Akufo Addo enjoyed Serwa Broni in the air because Mahama did also the same on earth, but the truth is they will suffer together with everyone in Ghana.

Jean Mensah on her fraudulent election escapade

I need to remind the ordinary suffering Ghanaians that those Akyem tribal folks in the Diaspora, encouraging the bad government of Akufo Addo, work to receive about $20 or 15 euros per hour in America or in Europe, while they dwell on hate and tribalism to encourage the poor people to support the NPP.

More importantly, there is no intelligent president in any political history who will abandon projects, including schools and hospitals, left uncompleted by the former government and be re-elected to power. After Akufo Addo failed to continue the projects of the NDC government, that’s when he should have been voted out.

The Electoral Commission Boss, Jean Mensah, and the Chief Justice, Kwasi Anin-Yeboah, have done a great injustice to the poor Ghanaians and the crime they have committed, leading to untold hardships and the collapse of Ghana's economy, will continue to haunt them for the rest of their lives.

I believe in karma, you can’t let people suffer without getting the same thing back in a period of time, no matter how rich you are because God will never forgive them for their dishonesty, insincerity, and unnecessary hardships they have caused people.

By Joel Savage
Belgian-Ghanaian journalist, Joel Savage, writes the "A Mixture Of Periodicals" column. The Flemish Journalists Association member frequently contributed to the features sections of the Weekly Spectator, Ghanaian Times, Daily Graphic and The Mirror. He lives in Belgium. 

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