Opinion › Feature Article     ›   17 Mar 2022

E-Levy: Who Can Help The Common Ghanaians To Resist The Oppressors' Rule With All Our Will And Might For Evermore?

“God bless our homeland Ghana, and make our nation great and strong, Bold to defend forever, the cause of Freedom and Right;” that is part of the lyrics of Ghana’s great National Anthem, and based on this inspiring song, the common Ghanaians will resist the oppressors’ decision to pass the fraudulent E-Levy.

Ghana has reached a stage where our long happy democracy has been hijacked by the current president, Nana Akufo Addo, who continues to abuse his power, ignoring the law and trying to change things stated in the constitution to his favor, all because of his desperation to pass E-Levy.

Since my childhood, I became familiar with Ghana’s great National Anthem but to resist the oppressors’ rule, my mind reflects on foreign aggression, without a slight knowledge that “the oppressors" rule will come from our own country, Ghana, over a fraudulent E-Levy.

Why would a president be so stubborn, inconsiderate, uncaring, and unremorseful over something the majority of the population isn’t interested in? Nobody is interested in a coup or military regime but the truth is Ghana’s democracy is dead and the country is under a military-class dictatorship.

What a disrespect to the common Ghanaians, after being mocked with the controversial E-Levy cake, the government that has denied the people job for five years, wants them to accept? I stand for the common Ghanaian because he is also a human being. Never treat others what you wouldn't like others to treat you.

Nana Akufo Addo, Ghana is now under a dictatorship camouflaged in democracy. The entire country is being ruled by the concept of dictatorship, camouflaged in the modern political theory of democracy. Everybody is suffering under the tyranny of this current president, yet people are scared to criticize or speak about it.

When Ghana was better politically and economically, the NPP politicians were able to deceive Ghanaians that Mahama is incompetent, corrupt, and greedy, therefore, their mission is to make things better. Two of their promises were to cut taxes and protect the public’s purse.

After five years in power, the NPP government isn’t able to fulfill any of its promises, above all, financial mismanagement, reckless spending, lavish lifeclass of the president, and chronic corruption have emptied the government’s coffers, creating a high rate of unemployment and economic doom.

Today, the cunning President Nana Akufo Addo, wants his incompetence and corruption addiction to become the common Ghanaians' burden. No, that can’t happen because the common Ghanaians are not responsible for Akufo Addo's incompetence and corruption rampage.

In such a depressive situation, the common Ghanaians will always look unto the Supreme Court to deliver them, unfortunately, the high court had already been infiltrated by the cunning president, therefore, the Chief Justice, Kwasi Anin-Yeboah is working for the president, not for the people.

It will be the biggest error if this fraudulent E-Levy is passed because it’s for a huge loan to add to Ghana’s current huge debt which will take probably over thirty to forty years to pay. Akufo Addo doesn’t care because his greed wouldn’t enable him to see the good and the bad or crime or non-crime.

However, based on the inspiration of the lyrics of Ghana’s National Anthem, we will resist the oppressors' rule with all our will and might, and Akufo Addo and his incompetent corrupt government will fail.

My deepest thanks to the one who wrote this National Anthem because he has left us with something great our enemies can’t defeat us, we will dwell on its inspiring lyrics to crush the oppressors' rule.

By Joel Savage
Belgian-Ghanaian journalist, Joel Savage, writes the "A Mixture Of Periodicals" column. The Flemish Journalists Association member frequently contributed to the features sections of the Weekly Spectator, Ghanaian Times, Daily Graphic and The Mirror. He lives in Belgium. 

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