Politics › Politics     ›   06 Mar 2022

Korle Klottey Marks 65th Independence Anniversary - Adjei Tawiah Calls for Teamwork

Hon. Nii Adjei , KoKMA MCE ( Middle) flanked by Madam Joyce Osae Apenteng , Education Director ( left) and DCOP Acquaye , Divisional Police Commander

The Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly ( KoKMA) on Sunday ,joined the rest of the nation to celebrate Ghana's 65th Independence Day Anniversary with a call on Ghanaians to work together in our quest to bounce back from the covid 19 pandemic .

The youth were also entreated to adequately prepare themselves by working and studying hard to become responsible citizens so that when the mantle of leadership is handed over to them in the near future they wouldn't be found wanting.

In his keynote address, the KoKMA Municipal Chief Executive ( MCE) Hon. Samuel Nii Adjei Tawiah urged school children to work and study hard and to refrain from engaging into social vices such as drug abuse, internet fraud, alcoholism, truancy amongst others so as to be responsible citizens .

Hon. Adjei Tawaiah was also cognizant of the threats posed by the dreadful covid 19 pandemic that dwindled the efforts and gains made by the government and private businesses over the years . The pandemic has severe effects on Ghana's economy including the educational sector.

Hon. Adjei Tawiah mentioned that amongst other things the pandemic affected every aspects of the economy thereby resulting in redundancy, laying of workers, reduction in working hours. The government therefore in its quest to put the economy back on track implemented certain policies to help bring development up to speed which must be embraced by all Ghanaians.

He however pointed out that despite the covid 19 set back, Ghanaians have rallied together and efforts have been made by both the government and private entities to help put the country’s economy back on a recovery road.

The MCE also pointed out the Government and the Assembly have come out with measures aimed at mitigating the negative effects of the dreadful covid 19 pandemic that has succeeded in bringing everything in the country to a standstill. “ We, together with private entities rolled out economic modules that were aimed at mitigating the effects of the pandemic “.

The government “according hon. Samuel Nii Adjei” recognizes education as key component of development and has therefore made conscious efforts to improve the nation's educational sector .

To that end, he mentioned Free Senior High School flagship program , expansion of school feeding program, STEM expansion, scholarship scheme reforms as some measures put in place to improve on nations human resource base and enhance learning and teaching.

He also disclosed that in his Assembly's efforts to improve education in the Municipality, they have built a state of the arts student library at Osu which is yet to be commissioned . We have also constructed an eighteen unit millennium school block for the people of Osu as well as the rehabilitation of the Nii Amugi School at Adabraka. He assured that his Assembly will do more this year to enhance upon teaching and learning in Korle Klottey.

The Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly's first gentleman commended the schools, teachers, students and voluntary organizations’ for making the program a success and was hopeful next year's celebration shall be better and greater .

On her part, Dr. Zenator Agyemang Rawlings , the Member of Parliament for Korle Klottey commended organisers for bringing the schools in the Municipality together .It is not easy to put up a parade like this together and so the organizers’ deserve maximum commendation.

She encouraged the student to always take their studies seriously so as to become responsible citizens for mother Ghana. She reminded them of the importance of always putting the interest of the nation beyond their individualistic interests .

To that end, Dr. Zenator Agyemang Rawlings urged the students to aspire to be patriotic citizens for the betterment of the country. Let Ghana's national pledge and anthems resonates in your spirits so as to be better and patriotic citizens for the country.

She was hopeful next year's independence celebration shall be better and that the covid 19 pandemic cannot bring the people of Ghana to their knees.

The theme of the celebration “ working together and bouncing back together “ according to the MP was carefully and appropriately chosen by the national planning body and that we must be spurred on by the theme to help revive the country's educational sector which was devastated by the pandemic.

We must use education which is key to development to view and understand the values and principles that bound us together as people of one country with a common destiny.

In her address, Madam Joyce Osae Apenteng , the KoKMA Director for Education said even though things are bouncing back after covid halted progress in the education sector, they as educational workers need to perform their duties diligently to ensure the sector bounces back speedily.

She said the covid 19 pandemic seriously halted their progress but was quick to add that things were improving now and that they have a duty to enhance and speed up post covid 19 development in the sector.

The Municipal Education Director also applauded efforts of workers in the sector both teaching and non teaching staff during and after covid period. School workers have done well over the years and deserve commendation .

Madam Joyce Osae Apenteng noted that the journey to enhance teaching and learning has been very tough but was hopeful they will surely get to the top of academic excellence in the Municipality and nation at large.

She thanked both the MCE and MP for their tremendous and continuous support to the sector in the Municipality but asked that more still has to be done for the Municipal educational sector as they match towards embracing innovations to make teaching and learning better.

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