News › Social News     ›   29 Jan 2022

KoKMA to deploy compliance officers to enforce “Clean Your Frontage” campaign on February 1

The Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly in the Greater Accra Region will, effective February 1 deploy Environmental Health officers across the municipality to enforce the Operation Clean Your Frontage initiative.

It has, therefore, encouraged all citizens in the municipality to participate in the initiative to avoid falling foul to the sanitation bye-law.

The sanitation by-law states that, "A person who undertakes any commercial or industrial activity shall ensure that the drains and frontage of that premise up to the middle of the road are clean and kept neat at all times."

Also by the national law, "any person who fails to keep the above standards contravenes section 296 sub-section 18 of Act 29/60."

The Assembly, in a statement signed and issued by Mr Nii Adjei Tawiah, Municipal Chief Executive, and copied to the Ghana News Agency, said any person found culpable would be prosecuted.

“In view of this, Environmental Health officers will be going round all electoral areas in the municipality to inspect and ensure compliance of the sanitation provisions to promote a clean and healthy environment.

"All are encouraged to play their part as responsible citizens in the municipality," the statement added.

The "Operation Clean Your Frontage" was introduced by the government as part of measures to better the sanitation situation in Accra.

The initiative, being championed by the Greater Accra Regional Minister, is under the auspices of the Greater Accra Regional Coordinating Council and the 'Let's make Accra work' agenda.

The initiative has received little participation and patronage from the public since it was launched in October, last year.


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