Opinion › Opinion     ›   21 Dec 2021

NPP’s 2020 Parliamentary Elections And Why The Next Flagbearer Must Be A Unifier -The Alan Factor

The struggles of the NPP in parliament and the blows some of our NPP’s suffered, is a reflection of a failed strategy by the party in the 2020 elections.

The lack of democratic process and subtle imposition of certain individuals who were not the choice of the electorate but preferred by the party executives at the national and constituency levels was the NPP’s biggest mistake.

This is what caused the skirt and blouse voting and has resulted in a hung parliament that trades blows to vote.

Politics is a game of strategy and maximizing your numbers.

Any party that will get this right will win the 2024 elections in a one-touch victory.

The blows that occurred in parliament show that NPP’s strategy of maximizing our numbers in parliament was a total disaster.

Our own “internal political pettiness”, to borrow this phrase from my good brother Ebo Buckman has led to the party’s cataclysmic state in parliament.

We didn’t get our strategy right and the drop in our numbers in parliament from 169 to 137 is evidence of the party’s failed strategy.


The next Flagbearer of the NPP must be someone with a track record of ensuring unity.

Remember, we have more than thirty-two (32) seats to win back.

The question is, which candidate can rally the rank and file of the Party and bring back our lost seats.

Winning back our lost seat will take a candidate who has been tried, tested, and proven.

One who understands the need to bring everybody on board and not be vindictive.


A great reason why NPP should elect Alan for 2024, is that Alan is a Unifier.

In 2007, after a hard-fought battle of 17 aspirants, it became clear that President Nana Addo and Alan Kyerematen will battle it out for the second round.

Wait - Something special happened that took everyone by surprise. Alan Kyerematen requested the microphone.

Note, that the Electoral Commission (EC), had requested both candidates' pictures.

This was so that a new ballot will be printed for the second round of voting, which will need more hours of voting in the early morning of the next day.

When Alan Kyerematen spoke after he received the microphone, he declared that he will not contest President Nana Addo for the second round.

He conceded the victory to the current President and stated that he did that to preserve the unity of the NPP.

This was a magnanimous act that saved the party from breaking up.

Alan Kyerematen sacrificed his ambition to ensure that the unity of the party was preserved.

If this selfless act isn’t a true embodiment of unity, then “I can’t think far”.


Alan Kyerematen will be a fresh face for the Party’s presidential bid after 16 years of the NPP/Akufo-Addo/Bawumia face.

It will be disastrous considering what has happened in parliament to put on someone who was part of the ticket that has caused a “CALAMITOUS FALL” in parliament.

A fresh face - Alan - most definitely will attract more votes for the party and help lead the party to win back our seats in parliament.

He can maximize our votes from our Stronghold (Ashanti Region), whilst attracting floating voters from other parts of our political market. (Women, youth, religion markets).

The man Alan has paid his dues and stands ready to embrace both friend and opponent to lead a United charge to win back our seats and ensure victory 2024.

Let’s win back our seats and break the “8”, with Alan Kyerematen the party stalwart who is credible, honest and has served loyally since 1992.

I Remain Terry Afram-Kumi,

Product of Adabraka R/C JHS,

Adabraka - Accra.

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