News › General News     ›   04 Oct 2021

I will complete all ongoing projects — MCE for Korle Klottey assures

Hon. Adjei Tawaih Samuel, the MCE for Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly

The newly confirmed Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly ( KoKMA), Hon. Samuel Nii Adjei Tawiah has expressed his readiness to complete all projects started during his first tenure of office.

The KoKMA Mayor mentioned amongst other things that during his two years in office as the head of the newly created Municipality, they have completed some projects whilst some are still ongoing.He said he is hopeful of completing all within the four year mandate.

Hon. Samuel Adjei Tawiah made the promise when he delivered his victory speech after he was unanimously endorsed by all the sixteen Assembly Members of the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly.

During a special meeting for the confirmation of the nominee, all sixteen Assembly Members voted yes to retain hon. Samuel Nii Adjei Tawiah as the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly Chief.

The special meeting was graced by the Greater Accra Regional Minister ,hon. Henry Quartey, Korley Klottey Member of Parliament, Dr. Zenator Agyemang Rawlings, traditional leaders, heads of security , Assembly Members and staff of the Assembly.

In his acceptance speech, the MCE elect, thanked president Akufo-Addo for the nomination and the Assembly Members for the massive endorsement of his candidature. He said similar endorsement occurred two years ago when he was first nominated to head the then newly carved Assembly.

Hon. Nii Adjei Tawiah added that he is committed to working with anyone devoid of partisan lines to ensure that the Assembly achieved its objectives. My office, he said, is always open to all as it has been for the past two years.

He further pledged to work with all key stakeholders in the Assembly such as the siting MP, Dr. Zenator, the Assembly Members ,Traditional Councils and staff of the Assembly in his bid to ensure they meet their targets and help Accra to work again.

Hon. Nii Adjei Tawiah pointed out that the Assembly has done a lot within the two years of its creation despite the advent of the COVID -19 pandemic . He mentioned that amongst other things the establishment of the Adabraka Isolation Centre and the Osu Community Library as part of the indelible achievements chalked by the Assembly within its short period of existence .

He further disclosed that a lot is currently being done to better the lives of the people of the Assembly amongst which he pinpointed the establishment of the Osu Fish market, the reconstruction of the Odawna market and giving of a facelift to the Tema station as well as the construction of an office complex for the Assembly.

He promised to complete all the aforementioned projects within the next four years and therefore asked for the unflinching support of all stakeholders as he cannot accomplish the task ahead without the backing of the people.

In a solidarity message, the Greater Accra Regional Minister, hon. Henry Quartey tasked the newly confirmed MCE to work assiduously to justify the confidence reposed in him by the President and the Assembly Members.

He called on the MCE and the Assembly Members to collaborate and work effectively to ensure the people and the Municipality as a whole get what it deserves. He mentioned sanitation, security, education, health amongst others as some of the sectors the MCE needs to prioritise.

To make Accra work again, the MCE and his team have a huge task ahead of them which must be accomplished devoid of partisan politics. The Assembly work is not for political basis but service to the people.

He described the occasion as a new dawn for the Assembly and therefore challenged Hon. Samuel Nii Adjei Tawiah to be up to the task and come up with something new for the Assembly. Yesterday is gone, hon. Henry Quartey said and a new day has come, "so let's do something new for the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly."

On her part, Dr. Zenartor Agyemang Rawlings commended the understanding and unity with which Hon. Adjei Tawiah was endorsed by all the sixteen Assembly Members. She said the outcome and collaborative conduct of the elections speak for itself, which means that the MCE has done well for the Municipality.

To that end, the Korle Klottey Constituency MP, made a passionate appeal for equal distribution of resources by the MCE to the Assembly Members.

"No one should be side-lined or discriminated against when it comes to distribution of resources to the Assembly Members as they also have to go back to their people to solicit for their support for endorsements.

“We must continue to collaborate and work together for the benefit of the Municipality and its people," Dr. Zenator Agyemang Rawlings urges.

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