Business › Business & Finance     ›   27 Jul 2020

W/R: ‘Galamseyers’ Resist Attempts To Stop Their Operation On GREL Concession

Hundreds of angry illegal miners have vowed not to leave the concession of the Ghana Rubber Estate Limited (GREL) near Adiewoso in the Western Region.

The miners, openly resisted moves by uniformed personnel in the Operation Vanguard team to forcefully eject them from the concession.

According to them, they are operating legal community mines and will not leave the site, swearing not to end their operations there since that is their only source of livelihood.

Superintendent Douglas Kumi, the officer commanding for Operation Vanguard in the Western Region said their intention was to invite the leadership of the miners to engage with them on their operations and ascertain if their activities were legal.

He said they are disappointed in the leadership over their inability to control the miners in their conduct hence the security personnel will go back to their station, reorganize themselves and return to the site.

“Looking at the numbers and the situation, we will withdraw and get organized again.”

“We cannot arrest all the people and therefore we have also not inspected their documents to know whether what they are doing is legal or illegal. We came with the intention of taking the leadership, sit down with them and know their background… But the leadership has proven to me this morning that they will not be able to control the people and if that is so, as police we will go back and reorganize,” he said.


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