LifeStyle › Family & Parenting     ›   11 Oct 2014

12 of the Most Common Bad Manners

bad manners

As I'm out and about, I can't help but notice how bad people's manners have become. At the risk of sounding old, I remember when people strived to be polite and show their best side to the public. Now it seems as though a lot of folks just don't care.

Here are some of the most common bad manners I've encountered:

Flat-out rudeness – I'm bothered by the fact that some people pretend no one else in the world is affected by their behavior, actions, and words. Don't ask rude questions that are none of your business. And if someone does something nice for you, say, “Thank you.” That shouldn't be too difficult.

Cell phone conversations in public – When you're talking on your cell phone in public, remember where you are. Don't discuss anything that the rest of the world has no business knowing, like what your doctor said about your infection, your Brazilian waxing appointment, or the argument you had with your boss after you didn't finish your work. Wait until you get home – or at least in your car – before discussing such private stuff.

Excessive virtual socializing – What did these people ever do before texting and social media existed? I suspect they had “real” relationships with “in person” people. If you are with someone, don't ignore him to text someone who isn't even with you.

Crowding the person at the cash register – When you're waiting for someone to finish her transaction with the clerk, stand back a bit. Everyone needs personal space when dealing with anything financial – even if it's the purchase of a candy bar.

Dressing inappropriately – I get why you want to be comfortable when you go to the store, but seriously, can't you take a few seconds and change out of your pajamas? Nightwear is not appropriate for anything other than sleeping or lounging around your house. Slip into a comfy pair of jeans and a T-shirt before you open your front door. Also when my husband and I celebrate a special occasion at a nice restaurant, I generally get dressed up. I'm not asking you to wear a formal gown, but I would like for you to get the grass stains off your seat to show respect to others. I also don't want to see excessive cleavage or have to hold my breath worrying that if someone bends over I'll get a view of something I never want to see.

Being unkind to disabled people – When you spot a wheelchair-bound person in a grocery store, ask if you can help get something off a top shelf. That should take you about a second, and it will be good for everyone.

Casting off the elderly – Don't ever forget who paved the way for you in this world, young man or young woman. Someone you may now consider old and feeble was once the person who fed you, wiped your bottom, and dried your tears when you were little. Show a little respect.

Letting children misbehave – Before you bring your children to any public place, talk to them about their manners. I get how annoying it can be to repeat yourself over and over, but that comes with the territory of having offspring. Consider it paying now for what you want to reap later. Not only will others appreciate your young children's good manners, you'll have better adult children in a few years.

Exhibiting terrible table manners while dining out – I'm sometimes disgusted by how bad people behave at the table. An occasional elbow on the table doesn't bug me as much as chewing with an open mouth or smacking. I also resent the person who handles something on the table at the buffet-class restaurant and then tosses it back into the heating dish. That's just gross.

Not taking the time to show gratitude – After you receive a gift, send a thank you note. You don't have to write pages and pages. Simply thank the person, tell how you plan to use the gift, address the envelope, put a stamp on it, and stick it in the mailbox. If you absolutely don't have the two minutes to spare, send an email. Email isn't the best method, but it's much better than not acknowledging the gift at all.

Ignoring the RSVP – I've been stunned by how few RSVPs we got back last time we held an event, even though the invitation was very clear about it. I had to spend hours calling people to find out whether or not they planned to attend.

Letting foul language fly in public – My husband and I don't talk like that – not even at home. We didn't intentionally expose our children to it either. I take issue with people who let out a bunch of expletives in public places, even when children are present. There's something called self-control. Use it.


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