Showbiz › Industry News     ›   29 Jun 2024

Musicians earn more than footballers - Portable


Controversial artist Portable has waded into the ongoing debate regarding the earnings of musicians compared to footballers.

Portable argued that musicians rake in higher incomes than football players, emphasizing the profitability of the music industry.

The 'Zazzu' hitmaker further claimed that musicians out-earn both ritualists and fraudsters, pointing to the significant revenue generated from platforms like Apple Music.

With confidence, Portable dismissed the notion that footballers have higher earnings, stating: "Music revenue surpasses football income. Music is a thriving business. Musicians earn more than ritualists and fraudsters. The revenue from Apple Music is immense. Footballers can't match it.

"Those who say footballers earn more than musicians are misinformed. Musicians are at the top of the earnings hierarchy."

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