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It wasn’t a figment of my imagination — Bongo Ideas stands ground, pins Kojo Forex in defamation suit

Kojo Forex[left] and Bongo Ideas

Albert Nat Hyde, popularly known as Bongo Ideas has insisted that the defamatory claims against him by Kojo Forex were justified and well-grounded, refusing to retract them.

Bright Kojo Onipayede, known widely as Kojo Forex a prominent Ghanaian forex trader, has recently sued Bongo Ideas over defamatory statements published about him on social media.

According to documents sighted by Modernghana News, Kojo Forex’s lawyers have served Bongo Ideas a "Notice to retract, apologise, cease and desist publication of defamatory statements” about their client.

In a reply to Kojo Forex’s lawyers, Bongo Ideas cited several instances where Kojo Forex had disparaged him on social media and demanded an apology from him first before anyone else.

“Your client has always used unprintable words against me. In fact, he has on several occasions cast aspersions at me to a trigger point. He has not ceased from describing me as poor, incapacitated, and irrelevant. I demand an unequivocal apology from him first,” Bongo Ideas stated.

Bongo Ideas also accused Kojo Forex of orchestrating the locking of his Twitter account for some hours, causing him financial losses.

“He masterminded for my account to be locked for some hours, which caused me monetary losses because couldn't fulfil my obligations as a blogger,” he alleged.

The defendant claimed that Kojo Forex paid some social media users to report his account, describing it as a violation of Twitter’s rules.

“Your client paid netizens on Twitter GHC50 each to take my account down. an action that is against the politeness of the platform,” the blogger stressed.

Bongo Ideas cited reports from alleged disgruntled customers of Kojo Forex who claimed he took their money without providing the promised services, saying, “I have received several reports from people who have had terrible experiences with your client and said he took their money and never delivered on what he promised.”

Bongo Ideas maintained that the claims against Kojo Forex were factual, insisting “Nothing I've said about him was a figment of my imagination.”

He demanded that Kojo Forex addresses grievances of ‘disgruntled customers’, explains the reported account take down, and tenders an apology before he considers retracting his claims.

“Therefore, if he wants an apology from me, he would first need to issue an official statement to address the grievances of his disgruntled customers, explain why he paid people to take my account down, and apologize for the insults he always hurled at me.

“That's the only condition I can give him before advising myself. Your 24-hour ultimatum to me is solidly hinged on that,” ended his reply to Kojo Forex’s legal team.

Read copies of Kojo Forex’s summon and Bongo Ideas’ reply below;

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