Tue, 10 Mar 2020 Feature Article

The Striking Coronavirus. The Battle Is Pre-Matured In Ghana.

The Striking Coronavirus. The Battle Is Pre-Matured In Ghana.
10 MAR 2020 LISTEN

The death toll caused by the CONVID -19 recorded so far is alarming and at it's highest speed. The painful of it all is, Ghana is still adamant to the call and the dangers it poses on human life. Ghana has not learned from countries that are hit by this disaster.

Government posture on this matter shows explicitly that we are behind time in the fight. Our readiness is questionable in the fight against the virus as declared by WHO.

Our monumental challenge and worry as a nation is how strangers are intruding this country without proper scrutiny of their health status as done by other countries, which quarantine is the primary step.

Moreover, the lack of facilities to oversee cases that may arise is extremely burdening.

Furthermore, improper and inadequate sensitization and preventive mechanisms to counter the attack is another pressing situation.

We must not wait until we record the symptoms in our country.

Government should make available, nose and mouth cover/mask and alcohol sanitizers as advised by WHO as means of protecting the nation from contacting and spreading the disease. These items must be common and affordable. We must not play loose and down with this.

Recently in Accra, when an alleged case of an infected person was hinted, the patient who reported to a health facility scared all the health workers and this took them to their heels. Doctors of that facility were afraid to go close to the patient. Even, a car needed to convey the patient to the supposed quarantine center was not available. We all read and heard that, the patient was quarantined in a maternity hall in one of the hospitals in Accra. How can we risk our maternity halls to such a delicate Health thread? All these phenomenon are ample testimony to WHOs report and declaration that" Ghana is not ready for the pandemic". So we are calling on government to heed to the calling of WHO to put the country at a safe point. This is a matter of urgency, life and death.

Government should make rules like other countries have done. Declare an emergency and impose rules.

In Italy, greetings by handshake or by anybody contact is banned. And is against the laws of fighting coronavirus.Football games and other sporting activities are played behind close doors without spectators. Movement is also limited.

We want government to solidify its decisions on the coronavirus outbreak and make strides to protect the citizens.

We also call on government to suspend travelling from Italy, China and other contagious high risked countries. On the contrary, government should also deny Visa to these countries except that those transits are emergency related.

When we do these and put in proper measures, we are sure with God on our side, CONVID - 19 would escape our land.

Long live Ghana

Long live Africa.




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