
The spirit being within you

Feature Article The spirit being within you

There is something, if not one, several things that seems to cloud our ability to discern who we are, why we are here and where we are going; the pleasures of this age, so sweet so enticing that we are gradually moving away from God’s original plan for sustenance of man's living on earth, there is a time to come, it may have come already, that our own ways which may seem right will lead us to our doom, the quest to be successful in earthly life mostly wealth oriented; know this, the devil has never stopped working, he never will he has an agenda to make sure you are taken away from the reality of life, spirituality and eternity.

Africans are trying hard to escape poverty so our churches are now motivational centers with watered down messages to motivate people to be materially successful , you can have all the cash, the houses, the cars but spiritually hungry .

Our people on the other side of the world, the Americans, Europeans are so advanced , financially powerful, better off citizens so they even have atheists, ( people who don't believe in any form of divine beings), their churches as well now motivation hubs instead of the preaching the true gospel of God.

But then, that’s what the people want, the African needs to escape poverty, tells us God will supply all our needs, tell us he is a miracle working God, let us pray against those who are against our success in life and pastor tell us God has placed potentials in us to excel in life, those words that will sweeten our ears, who cares about spirituality, living the holy life, evangelizing as Christ has mandated Christians, it won't help now that times are hard; but then this is where the enemy wishes that we lose sight of the reality that there is a spirit being that needs attention as much as the physical being( what you see each day) for that one lives beyond the expiration of the flesh.

God is in no way against you having a source of income for daily living (business or being employed), but the reality does not change that death awaits each man, you shall not be judged by the amount of money you earned or the number of businesses you owned, but how much of your time, energy resources did you spend in serving the Lord whiles you had breath.

It is important we bear in mind that as we work to earn a living, the fact of life remains the same, we only survive by the breath that rans through our nostrils each second; at the second this breath ceases your body ceases to function, the heat that keeps the body warm sniffs out of us, the water in our body follows then over time after your burial the flesh you so much cherished will decay giving way to the bones, then deep into time goes back into the soil from which we were all created. “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust”.

The preceding paragraph is not to scare anyone but to draw our minds to the fact that the “you” that you do not see now needs attention. “God is spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth”, John 4:24. As followers of Christ we must strive to walk as he walked, direct our thoughts to the unseen (heaven and eternity) and your spirit being.

I have always admired the early church; they were so filled with gifting of the spirit, focused their time, energy and resources in strengthening their relationship with God, and God gave them so much power in their days, the history books has it all.

Fast forward, our generation, unfortunately have traded the much powerful things of the spirit for material desires, “carnality”.

The question then is, where did it all go wrong? It’s sad to note that the church has grown from red hot spirituality and focus on eternal life to utterly cold carnality and attention on materiality.

I am in no way against material wealth, but the thoughts behind the accumulation and retention of wealth and the fact that we will not have claims over these when we lie motionless on our death bed.

There are countless verses in the bible that draws our attention to the need for us to place our focus on eternity while we walk on this earth, the fact that a time is coming assuredly that you will be no more on this earth, then as the bible rightly put it, there will be judgement; how did you utilize your time, resources, energy into obeying the rules of God and in the interest of our fellow men.

One of the most serious danger we face in this generation is the fact that carnal deeds contrary to God’s laws will make meaning in the sight of men even though its goes against the creator and the very foundations upon which this world and its systems were made;

Talk of gayism, lesbianism, prostitution, bribery, fornication, adultery, even music that does not honor God but earthly things. These may look okay in the eyes of men, it’s understandable but spiritually these do not please our maker for He is a jealous God.

Music has so much power, and I say this on my experience with what is beyond the eye, its either sung in honor of God or Lucifer, all religions in the world one way or the other, use music as a medium of worship, be careful the kind of music you listen to;

The whole of the Holy Scripture sums up to one thing… “Fear God and do his will”, one night I slept and behold I appeared in a dark forest with the moon its only light, then I heard voices in a distance of which one said “lets hurry for the time is near”, then my spirit sailed into the skies to the sight of demons apparently planning on how to win more men into the kingdom of darkness; it was one of their voices I heard earlier.

This is what we must understand, there is not much time for us on this earth; the business you own, the employment you have are all good but they are for your survival (food, shelter, and clothing), after, seek the Lord, follow his ways and pay attention to the spirit being within you, the spirit being that will outlive your flesh and face judgment someday.
