Mon, 19 Dec 2011 General News

Konkombas Fight Over Spoils Of War

By Daily Guide

The mad rush for property belonging to Fulanis who were murdered after Konkombas attacked them recently in settler communities around Gushiegu has degenerated into conflict among the Konkombas themselves. 

 The attacks, as a result of which dozens of Fulanis got injured and 13 died, caused the Fulanis to flee the area, leaving their property comprising cattle and sheep behind.   

The mad rush for these properties by two opposing communities, Junjong 1 and 2, resulted in fatalities and the destruction of two houses by fire. 

Fulanis who fled the area for fear of recurring attacks are currently seeking refuge at the Disabled Resource Centre in Gushiegu, while their animals have been left at their communities where the arson was committed.  

The question of who takes what, security sources reveal, has sparked the latest violence in the area, leading to the deployment of police and military personnel to the area to avert further clashes among the Konkombas. 

 District Chief Executive of Gushegu, Alhaji Fuseini Alhassan, who confirmed the latest violence in a telephone interview with DAILY GUIDE , indicated that the skirmishes were currently under control. 

Meanwhile, 6 more persons have been arrested and will be processed for court for arson.

Police will not disclose the identities of the suspects but indicate that they would be charged on Monday for their various roles in the attack that the led to the death of 13 Fulanis a fortnight ago at four settler communities around Gushiegu.  

Fulanis continue to flee Gushiegu and its environs following the attack on them by persons believed to be of Konkomba extraction. 

The bodies of the dead, including three children aged 1, 4 and 7, who were set ablaze by their assailants, are yet to be released to the bereaved families for burial.

A number of them who were wounded have been treated and discharged but are considering going back to their hometown following reports of fresh attacks. 

Members of the Northern Regional Security Council (REGSEC) have for the second time visited the scene of the arson to ask for a truce among the Konkombas in order to allow the Fulanis to return. 

DAILY GUIDE gathered that the cause of the attack is still not known as security chiefs were unable to trace a previous record of hostility among both factions. 

Residents were also unwilling to volunteer information to the police, fearing they could be arrested as key suspects in the raging impasse.

From Stephen Zoure, Tamale
