Fri, 18 Dec 2009 Politics

I'm not JJ's boy : Ekwow Spio-Garbrah

By Ghanaian Chronicle
Ekwow Spio-GarbrahEkwow Spio-Garbrah

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO), Dr. Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, has deflated the assertion that he is a favourite candidate of the former President and founder of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Jerry John Rawlings, contending that the ruling party is one big family, with a common ideological purpose.

The former Ambassador to the United States of America under the ex-President Rawlings administration, insists that there was no factionalism in the ruling party, against widespread speculations, and said the NDC continues to remain a solid party with no conflicting groups.

Speaking on Kessben FM in Kumasi, the former NDC presidential aspirant noted that he finds it completely awkward, when people try to associate him with a faction of the former President, when in actual fact, there was nothing like that in the Party.

He, however, cautioned that nobody should underestimate the worthiness of the former president and founder of the party, Jerry Rawlings, adding, any attempt to undermine the influence of Mr. Rawlings in the NDC, would cause irreparable damage to the party.

According to him, the NDC party had reached where it was now, because of the invaluable contribution of the former President, and noted that it would be wrong for anyone to suggest that Mr. Rawlings would do anything to bring division and conflicts in a party that he had spent all his time and energy to build.

"As for me, I am not aware of any factionalism for Rawlings group in the party, if anybody thinks that way, then it is a figment of his or her imagination”, he maintained.

Touching on his vice chairmanship ambition, the former NDC presidential hopeful declared that he is the most favourite candidate for the position, and believes that he would beat all his contenders.

The CTO CEO insisted that the grounds were very fertile for his vice chairmanship bid, adding confidently that he would win the position without any difficulty.

According to him, his political experience and expertise put him far ahead of his opponents, asserting that no amount of intimidation and harassment would deter him from becoming the next national vice chairman of the ruling party.

He said there was no doubt that he was the only candidate who represents the aspirations and concerns of the cadres and the underground supporters of the party, a position which makes him stand tall among his competitors.

The communications expert however cautioned that the NDC risks losing its fortunes if knowledge and experience are compromised for the selfish interest of a few individuals in the party, and argued that the party had already lost many experienced personalities such as Mr. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, Haruna Iddrisu and Ama Benyiwa Doe among others to the government and so people with similar traits must be elected to replace them, if the party wants to maintain power in 2012.
