Fri, 25 Sep 2009 Health

Spinal Health in Ghana: Chiropractic and Health Education Wanted

By Dr. Bryan Cox, CEO, The Spinal Clinic

Spinal Awareness Week 2009 has come to end. As a result over 2,000 people received free chiropractic care from a team of 15 doctors and student doctors from California's Life West Chiropractic College and Ghana's very own Spinal Clinic, many more people were educated through the media as Ghana's biggest media houses provided platforms for spinal health education, and the government here in Ghana played a pivotal role in the event's success by providing unprecedented support. The week was a giant step in the battle against spinal problems here in Ghana. Though in the end the week was only a step, with many other steps needed to take control of spinal health here in Ghana.

The current state of the issue
Ghana's spinal health situation is severe. While little research has been done as of yet to find the exact causes of the problems here in Ghana, such research from other countries shows that common causes of spinal health problems include being involved in car accidents, sleeping, sitting, and exercising improperly, as well as leading sedentary lives. It is likely that here in Ghana these are the major causes of spinal health disorders as well.

In order to learn more about the state of spinal health here in Ghana, research was gathered during Spinal Awareness Week 2009. According to that research 76.5% of women and 60.6% of men had received no spinal health education prior to the awareness week. The percentage of people who had not received chiropractic care was even higher, as 89.2% of women and 79.7% of men attending the events answered that they had never received chiropractic care prior to the awareness week. These statistics paint a picture of a society that has spinal health concerns but does not understand the causes of spinal disorders and is not receiving the proper care to treat these disorders.

So what further steps need to be taken to ensure that the future Ghana is a healthier Ghana?

An Understanding of Spinal Health
Over 60 percent of both men and women at our events had received no prior spinal health education. Without such education, people don't know the correct way to care for their spines. As a result their everyday lives are no doubt putting more and more stress on their already compromised spines. Thus a necessary step to combating spinal health disorders here in Ghana is an increased emphasis on spinal health education. With no such education how can people be expected to know what's right and wrong when it comes to taking care of their spines?

As a kid you learn what's right and wrong through experience and from those around you. A kid touches a fire, its hot, it burns him, and usually he doesn't do it again. In the case of spinal health problems, the cause and effect usually aren't as clear cut and immediately apparent. While there are incidents such as accidents or falls, which compromise the spine suddenly and produce immediate effects such as pain, typically the spine is compromised over time by lifestyle choices and long engrained habits. For example someone may sit incorrectly for years, because it is more comfortable at the time. Eventually the person starts to experience problems such as waist pains but can't recall why the pains started; he just knows that over time his waist has started to hurt. So unlike the fire that produces immediate adverse effects, the improper sitting produces delayed consequences and thus it harder to pinpoint the actual cause of these effects. For instances such as this, a person needs to be taught that the improper action is in fact detrimental to their health and well being. Spinal health education is critically important for this reason.

A Chiropractic Mind Set
According to our statistics the majority of event participants had never received chiropractic care. Unlike most other spinal treatments, chiropractic care addresses the root of the spinal problem, the spine. When any of the vertebra shift or move into misalignment added pressure is put onto the spinal cord. Studies state that even pressure from something the size of a SIM card causes undo stress on the spinal cord that may cause problems to occur. Chiropractic adjustments restore and preserve the spine's natural form, relieving pressure that misalignments place on the spine. People who receive care are not only relieving symptoms of spinal disorders such as whiplash, bodily pains, headaches, numbness and/or tingling in the extremities, vertigo, and even hypertension, but they're also correcting and preventing the problems that are causing these symptoms.

Chiropractic isn't only meant to be a reactive measure either. Though it is very effective in a reactive sense, it should also be embraced as a preventative approach to ensure that a healthy spine is maintained. After all it is easier to maintain the spine's healthy form than it is to restore the spine to its healthy form.

A Reason to believe in Ghana's Future
There is definite reason to be concerned with the current state of spinal health in Ghana, but there is also reason to believe that Ghanaians are ready for change. This is reflected in the statistics generated from our awareness week research. When asked if they were satisfied with the educational information received during the week's events, 96.6% of women and 97% of men answered that they were satisfied. When asked if they would participate in future spinal health events 88.2% of women and 94.8% of men answered that they would. And when asked if they would like to join a Ghanaian spinal association 94.1% of women and 93.5% of men responded that they would like to join such a group.

When it comes to the future of spinal health here in Ghana, people appear ready for change and willing to change. It is my hope and goal to lead this change by not only offering quality chiropractic care at the Spinal Clinic, but also by organizing more events such as Spinal Awareness Week in the future.

By Dr. Bryan Cox, CEO, The Spinal Clinic
