Sun, 28 Jun 2009 Regional News

Ga Royals hold consultative assembly

By gna

Accra, June 28, GNA - The Ga State Traditional Royal Heads, Teshie Branch, on Saturday held a consultative assembly to determine ways of fostering good relationship among traditional rulers.

The assembly sought to unify the heads and members of the royal families and mandate principal elders to head committees to help uplift the image of the families.

Mr. Ben Marmah Markwei, Chairman of the Teshie Branch, said the assembly would provide guidance, give directions and supervise all other administrative authorities in the Ga state to ensure peace and unity for development.

He said due to financial problems facing most parents in Teshie and the Ga state, most of their children ended up on the streets.

Mr. Markwei said that if the situation normalizes there would be economic prosperity for peace to prevail in the various clans.

Nii Otswemah Nmashie III, Mankralo of Teshie, said chieftaincy and land disputes, low level of education and anti-social vices were affecting the development of the Ga state.

He called on government and civil society to support the Teshie community to find a lasting solution to problems facing the people.


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