Sat, 13 Jun 2009 NDC

Ghana's Armed Forces should have Overthrown (Terrorizing AFRC and PNDC Military Regimes !!!) of Boakye Djan & Rawlings

By Steve Biko, Uhuru Times
Rawlings and KufuoRawlings and Kufuo

: --- (and Army should have warned Ex-President Kufuor's "Drugs-Tainted Government !!!", says Politician (who has publicly asked Nation to separate Democratic NPP Credentials from former President Kufuor's Personal Leadership of "Narcotic Terrorism !!!".

[IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT] --- Populist Politician Supports Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings' views about Kufuor's Personal Terror !!!.

By Steve Biko, Uhuru Times

Ghana's Armed Forces should have (long time ago), mustered International Mandated Legality; Ethics and Moral Courage to overthrow the Terrorizing AFRC and PNDC former regimes of both Boakye Djan & Jerry John Rawlings --- and Ghana's Heroic Army should have at least, warned Ex-President Kufuor's "Drugs-Tainted Government !!!", says "America's Mandela", "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor (who has publicly asked the Nation to separate the enviable Democratic NPP Credentials from former President [Kufuor's Personal Leadership of "Narcotic Terrorism !!!"]).

The Pro-American Staunch Democratic Activist and Celebrated Freedom Fighter known for his International Bravado in fighting back against State-Sponsored Terrorists, especially Political Terrorists, publicly warned former Military Junta Leaders Boakye Djan and Jerry John Rawlings that "their conscience will never enjoy peace unless they bring back to life Afrifa, Amedume, Acheampong, Akufo, Utuka, Odartey Wellington, Roger Felli, Yaw Boakye and the murdered Judges !!!".

"History must always remember that former President John Agyekum Kufuor, in his penchant of greediness once accepted a position from Rawlings during PNDC days with the full knowldge that Boakye Djan and Rawlings cowardly executed the beloved Rear Admiral Joy Amedume and the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa and the gallant Odartey Wellington and others", said the "People's Politician".

"Those who have made it a public policy since the days of former President John Agyekum Kufuor to present day to deliberately deprive me of my inalienable rights have left me with no other choice than to legally, morally, ethically and spiritually fight back against State-Sponsored Terrorists, said the "Larger than Life" Human Rights and Civil Rights Crusader.

"President John Evans Atta Mills Government is treating me with the same injustice of deprivation as former President John Agyekum Kufuor did, said the Politician who says that although President John Evans Atta Mills (did the right thing by giving a Ghanaian-American a chance to become Accra Mayor), his application to become Kumasi Mayor however, was rejected despite evidence of his overwhelming qualifications".

"Folks I am using the the legendary Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Spirit of Courageous Peaceful (Non-Violent Resistance) to resist State-Sponsored Terror and State-Sponsored Injustice and I have nothing to loose than my Chains of Slavery !!!", said the former Precinct Captain and Volunteer for Obama for America's 2008 Presidential Campaign - one of the World's most Outstanding Intellectuals who according to American Public Officials, is more educated than 70 % of America's population --- yet, has (never) been given any opportunity to dream the proverbial "American Dream" (by ignorant and hateful Anti-Intellectual forces who are more dangerous and extremely intolerant than even the Nazis, Cowardly Anti-Semites and Ku Klu Klans and the Nazis) --- due to his Civil Rights and Human Rights Crusades.

The Human Rights Legend, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor has publicly supported Mrs. Konadu Agyemang Rawlings --- wife of former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings' assertion that former President John Agyekum led the Country on the path of corruption and cocaine dealings --- and the alumnus of the prestigious University of Southern California (USC) and anticipated Ph.D. Student in Political Science at the equally prestigious Claremont Graduate University (CGU) --- cautioning Ghanaians (against) Military interventions except when "Adolf Hitler Look-Alikes" emerge as leaders of the Nation and seeking to provoke Intellectual Debate, said that as far as Human Rights abuses and State-Sponsored Terrororism is concerned, Ghana's Armed Forces had a Moral and Ethical obligation to have overthrown the ("Terrorist" Military regime of Major (Retired) Boakye Djan's AFRC and the "Adolf Hitler's" PNDC Military regime that was once led by Flight Lieutenant (Retired) Jerry John Rawlings).

The fair-minded Politician, who is suspicious that former President John Agyekum (Kufuor may have suffered Mental illness after becoming President), also publicly announced that since Kufuor was leading the Nation into "Political and Economic Suicide" in terms of "Hi-Tech Corruption" and "Narcotics Terrorism", Ghana's Armed Forces could have legally, morally and ethically overthrown Kufuor's government.

The Maverick Politician speculated that Rawlings himself may have engaged in "Narcotic Terrorism" and "Hypocritical Corruption" --- in view of the "Empire of Wealth" he (Rawlings) has acquired.

He apoligised to the Nation for being too young at that and too busy with his education to have overthrown Boakye Djan / Rawlings' AFRC Terrorist Regime and another Terrorist PNDC Military regime once led by Rawlings.

"Terrorists Regimes, such as AFRC and PNDC Military regimes and former President John Agyekum Kufuor who abused State Power during his government to terrorize "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor should have suffered "Massive Retaliation in the hands of United States of America, the Leader of the Free World and a Super Power", said the Ghanaian-American and Pro-American Democracy Activist.

" Only the (CPP) or Uhuru Party (UP) can save Ghana from the dangerous corrupt practices of Rawlings and Kufuor's era" said the "People's Politician"

Meanwhile, again responding to former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings' justification of June 4th so-called revolution - on the grounds that the French had bloody revolution that sent many people to the guillotine, Intellectual Giant, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, popularly known by Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor" - a former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, turned 2010 Candidate for Governor of California (hoping to succeed the "Terminator", Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger), has publicly said that Rawlings and Boakye Djan "could have been beheaded during the French Revolution !!!" --- pointing to historical evidence that Maximilien Robespierre, who was widely associated with beheading people during the French Revolution was [himself beheaded] by members of France's National Convention which had had enough of the Revolutionary Terror !!!

In July 1794, Maximilien Robespierre was arrested and executed (in the same fashion as those whom he had condemned) and Flight Lieutenant (Retired) Jerry John Rawlings has wisely avoided presenting this historical evidence anytime he has sought solace with the French Revolution to justify his and Boakye Djan's June 4th "Pigs Revolution", said "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng ("Kwame Mayor"), the anticipated Ph.D. Student in Political Science at the prestigious Claremont Graduate University and alumnus of the famouse and prestigious University of Southern California (USC).

"Hear Ye !!!, hear ye !!! --- Rawlings and Boakye Djan always cleverly avoid mentioning that aspect of the French Revolution that beheaded France's Maximilien Robespierre whose "appetite for blood" equals that of Ghana's Rawlings and Boakye Djan.

" Ghanaians must (sincerely forgive) but the World must be reminded until it comes to an end --- that "Blood Thirsty" Boakye Djan, a dangerous anti-Asante Tribalist and Jerry John Rawlings, avowed Tribalist and Racist cowardly executed the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa (and the equally brave Rear Admiral Joy Amedume), to mention but a few" and thereafter, John Agyekum Kufuor, the "Great Satan" accepted a position from Rawlings --- callously and wickedly ignoring what Afrifa, Acheampong, Akuffo, Amedume, Utuka, Kotei, Feli, Yaw Boakye and Odartey Wellington endured in their last days --- the Pro-American and Ghanaian-American Democracy Activist and former Precinct Captain / Volunteer for President Barack Obama's 2008 Campaign pointed out as he warned that the (United States has every right to pursue and capture Terrorists, including Political Terrorists in Ghana !!!).

Meanwhile, the Leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition [GAC] "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng has publicly defended the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) under the auspices of his former classmate at "Krasec", Mr. Yaw Donkor --- for legally, morally and ethically interrogating former Chief of Staff, Mr. Kwadwo Mpiani whom the Populist Politician has described as the "Front Man" of Kufuor's "State-Sponsored 419 Scams" --- vowing to pardon former Presidents Jerry John Rawlings and John Agyekum Kufuor (someday) should he become President of Ghana through the democratic process --- (on condition that both Rawlings and Kufuor are probed to ascertain how the two former Heads of State were able to amass "Empires of Wealth" while many Ghanaians are still suffering).

("Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor" and Ghana's BNI "James Bond Spy-Master" --- Mr. Yaw Donkor were briefly classmates at "Krasec" in Kete Krachi before he ("Osagyefo Kwame Mayor) attended "Great Koss" - Konongo-Odumasi Secondary School with dis-graced former Minister, Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ("Asaabe") and Mawulo Zormelo, Press Secretary at the Office of President John Evans Atta Mills).

The Great Grandson of Asante Adonteng Puduo Royals and War Generals whose very biological ancestors historically led Asante wars to defeat "Colonialism and Imperialism perpetuated by our White British Brothers and Sisters" thanked Ghanaians for uniting to bring to an end - the arrogance, selfishness and greediness of former President John Agyekum Kufuor who abused his power to persecute and torture him - (in collaboration with his former Classmate at "Great Koss", the disgraced Stephen Asamoah-Boateng ["Asaabe"]).

Touching on Ghana's Unity, the Great Politician pleaded with Ghanaians to totally (reject) tribalism and "racism and reminded Ghanaians that Asantes and Ewes will forever live as Brothers and Sisters --- (despite the "Ethnic Divide" that Flight Lieutenant [Retired] Jerry Rawlings and Major [Retired] Boakye Djan, dangerous anti-Asantes, brought to the Nation during their 1979 "Pigs Revolution").

"In the Good Old Days (before) Rawlings and Boakye Djan divided the Nation on Ethnic Lines due to tribalistic executions of the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa; the brave Rear Admiral Joy Amedume and the murder of Odartey Wellington, my Parents, staunch Nkrumahists and Asante Royals, named my younger brother after a prominent and powerful Ewe and Trade Unionist, Mr. John Tetehgah", bragged the "Larger than Life Pan-Africanist".

"My step Sisters and a step brother who hail from the Kente weaving Town of Bonwire in the Ashanti Region of Ghana who travelled and lived in such places as Kete Krachi and Jasikan, etc can speak fluent Ewe", said the Asante Royal Politician who boasts that he will be the first Politician in Ghana to win Landslide victories in both Ashanti and Volta Regions and the only Seasoned Politician capable of permanently uniting Asantes and Ewes, as well as permanently uniting other Ghanaian brothers and sisters".

"The Good Old days when Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah united Ghana under "One Nation with a Common Destiny" was destroyed by the architects of the 1979 "Pigs Revolution" --- Boakye Djan and Jerry John Rawlings who divided the Nation by killing on Ethnic / Tribal lines !!!

Switching to the just ended June 4th Celebration, the "People's Politician" who has warned against future celebrations of June 4th so-called "Revolution", --- arguing that the event was in essence "Pigs Revolution" that ended in the same way as "Animal Farm !!!", reminded former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings who has compared the June 4th Revolution with the French Revolution and exulted bloodshed --- (that the leader of the French Revolution, Maximillian Robespeare who took so many lives was in the end captured and beheaded by the French people themselves !!!).

"That's part of the story about the French Revolution that Jerry John Rawlings has never told Ghanaians !!!", "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, who has taught American classrooms and is about to begin "Campus Speaking / Lecture Tours" in American Colleges and Universities said on his popular Campaign Website : WWW.KwameforPresident.Com

"Long Live Multi-Party Democracy", the "People's Politician" said.

Source : Uhuru Times

Steve Biko

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