Sat, 02 May 2009 General News

Workers urged to meet development goals of the nation

By gna

Accra, May 2, GNA - The New Patriotic Party (NPP) on Friday urged workers from the various sectors of the economy, especially organized labour to keep up the good work in the collective interest of achieving economic growth, stability and meeting the development goals of the nation.

A statement issued in commemoration of the May Day celebration, jointly signed by Kwaku Kwarteng, Director of Communications and Curtis Perry K. Okudzeto, Deputy Director of Communications, said “as the leading and the biggest opposition party in Ghana currently, it will be recalled that during the NPP administration various pragmatic policies geared towards making labour productive and comfortable were pursued, including the single spine salary structure, salary reviews especially in the health sector that have drastically curtailed brain drain, vehicle purchase schemes for workers and matching then minimum wage to inflation. These have sought the greater good of the ordinary worker as well as increased productivity and living standards generally”.

It said since the current global economic crisis has deepened the enormity of the task that labour has in the nation building efforts, it requires extra exertion and strength in order for Ghana to achieve its middle income status.

The statement said “We believe the Ghanaian worker has the propensity to work towards achieving this goal. As we commemorate May Day, it is the hope of the New Patriotic Party that workers across the country will take stock of the past years and work tirelessly towards the economic freedom of Ghana, strengthen our democracy and also collectively put the nation first in all endeavours with a sense of commitment to building a prosperous nation”.

