Tue, 24 Feb 2009 Feature Article

Taliban Propagating Religion or Irreligion

Taliban Propagating Religion or Irreligion

The Taliban & the people of the Talibani thought in the Swat Valley in Pakistan have given a strong blow to Pakistan and have succeeded in implementing the Sharia Law there. There has been an agreement between the Taliban leaders & the Pakistani government regarding it. After this agreement, although the Pakistan government is trying its best to make the US & other parts of the world to understand that Pakistan, under the present anarchical atmosphere in the region, has made an interim arrangement, to implement the Sharia law with the Talibani powers & the Pak government in Swat Valley. But his statement about the implementation of Sharia law is neither being digested by the US nor by the other countries of the world. The people of the world have only one opinion about this implementation of Sharia law & that is the Pakistan government & the Pak army has bowed down before these enemies of the humanity.

Once, the British Queen Elizabeth had visited Swat Valley. The Empress had called this region as the Switzerland in Asia. It is a matter of big sorrow that the area well known for its natural beauty & full to brim with the natural wealth for its scenes has come in the hands of those powers that are always doing brutal & savage activities; always busy doing irreligious acts in the name of religion. Interestingly these brutes don't like to let the people of the world know about their activities. That's why the journalists who are famous for their bold and honest opinions are disliked by them. So these people kill such journalists mercilessly. Last year, these devilish powers killed four journalists in the valley. Last days, a fearless & honest journalist of a Pakistan's private TV Channel, Geo TV, Mr. Moosa Khan was killed just two days after the implementation of the Sharia law. It is told that these uncivilized brutes, who talk of the Islam & Sharia, hit 32 bullets on the body of Moosa Khan. Even after they were not satisfied with it, then they beheaded him.

The savages who live in the uncivilized atmosphere hate the educated people & the education. There is news that these enemies of humanity blew 125 schools with bombs in the valley & set them on fire. They have the opinion that the educated people are aware & the aware people are not taken in by the superstitions. So they like neither schooling nor schools. Especially they don't like the schooling of the girls. These people think that the schooling of the Muslim girls is anti-Islamic. Last days these Taliban issued on the order that stated that the girls of the valley can marry the Talibans only. The people in this region are so horrified that about half a million people have left his place & migrated to somewhere else. Here anybody, who disobeyed the Talibani decree, is put to death without being listened to. The Talibani decrees are issued through illegal Radio FM. These orders are to be obeyed without any objection & disobedience means death.

Swat valley is a part of Pakistan. But slowly & slowly, it has been controlled by the Taliban which has come from Afghanistan. These Talibani powers don't want to limit themselves up to the Swat valley. But like other expansionary powers, they want to expand to & control Islamabad. These protectors of the Talibani interests are making their place among the Pakistan people & have got entry in the Pakistan politics. That's why, where the world is worried over the implementation of Sharia law in Swat valley, there are people in Pakistan who are in favour of it. There was a time when Pakistan government was helpful in nurturing the Taliban. It used to consider there foes of humanity as friends & sympathizers of the Islam. When these powers were ruling over Afghanistan, the other countries of the world kept a distance from them. No other country gave recognition to the Taliban government of Afghanistan whereas Pakistan was the first one to give recognition to this government having the Taliban thoughts. Since then, these powers had a greedy look on Pakistan & now they are keen to get control over Pakistan. These Talibani powers had distributed pamphlets in Pakistan hinting about 9/11 attacks even before the attack on the US & the posters favouring the Sharia law were pasted on the walls. It's to be remembered that when the NATO army under the leadership of the US had started war to uproot the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Taliban spokesman used to speak to world media in a vulg ar manner from Pakistan & not from Kandahar of Kabul.

Anyhow after the great defeat of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the implementation of the Sharia Law in Swat valley in Pakistan is once again being considered as a victory of the Taliban. Obviously Pakistan that is co-partner of the US in its 'War against Terror' has been taking huge sum of money from the US for this mission. But it's clear that Pakistan has bowed its knees before the Talibani powers. The Taliban is encouraged as a result of the implementation of the Sharia law in Swat. But certainly the US & its allies are worried over it. Richard Holbrooke, the special envoy for Afghanistan & Pakistan, appointed by President Obama, has gone to the point by saying that these powers are responsible for the November 26 attacks on Mumbai. And Mumbai attack was done to infuriate India to attack Pakistan. But India played a mature role & showed tolerance & responsibility & didn't let the enemies of the humanity succeed. On the other side, the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton & American envoy Richard Holbrooke have directed Pakistan Foreign Minister to clear the air regarding this agreement with Taliban. The U S wants to know in detail, the circumstances that forced the Pakistan government to implement the Sharia law in Swat valley.

Some analysts, who keep an eye on the South Asia politics, are of the view that the U S may show itself worried over the implementation of the Sharia law but in fact Pakistan can't take such a step without taking the U S in confidence. If it is so, there must be some far reaching American policy behind it. But the reality is, the attempt of strengthening the power of the Taliban by implementation of the Sharia law may be a compulsion or because of a far reaching policy, but it will prove harmful. Any power with the foes of the humanity will harm the humanity. These extremists, hard line religionists take the support of religion to carry on their unreasonable orders. The peace loving Muslim world including the Pakistani people should stand fast against the Talibani attempts, at every level.

(About the Author)
Author Tanveer Jafri is a columnist based in India.He is related with hundreds of most popular daily news papers/portals in India and abroad. Jafri, Almost writes in the field of communal harmony, world peace, anti communalism, anti terrorism, national integration, national & international politics etc.He is a devoted social activist for world peace, unity, integrity & global brotherhood. Tanveer Jafri is also a member of Haryana Sahitya Academy & Haryana Urdu Academy (state govt. bodies in India). Thousands articles of the author have been published in different newspapers, websites & newsportals throughout the world. He is also a receipent of so many awards in the field of Communal Harmony & other social activities.

(Email : [email protected] )
