
Five Easy Steps: SME Economic Revolution across the African Nation

Feature Article Five Easy Steps: SME Economic Revolution across the African Nation

Africa is ready for SME Economic Revolutions: Economic shifts in behaviorism need a mindset change. A fair evaluation is critical to make the proper adjustments; therefore, necessary Nation-by-Nation, city-by-city, and SME-by-SME are the following measurements before starting the next big step.

It is now the time to introduce new economic thinking about uplifting productivity, performance, and profitability of high potential 10% to 50% of the existing SMEs within a nation. Furthermore, it is time to audit and measure why a 10% to 50% rise in their exports would represent the most significant contributor to the national economy.

It is now time to have a bold and candid discussion on such subjects. It now has senior-level meetings by bringing all trade associations and chambers all under one national mandate of National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism and up-skills exporters and re-skill manufacturers.

It is time for SME revolutions, nation by nation, region-by-region, focused on uplifting local grassroots prosperity via up-skilling exporters and re-skilling manufacturers. The time has arrived to prepare dozens of African Union countries and 50 cities and create a national debate.

Firstly, fix the most significant error of economic thinking: Looking at small and medium enterprises always as small is the most crucial global error of economic thought. Like, we were laughing at a caterpillar for dreaming of flying. A lack of knowledge of metamorphosis at its magical powers; a typical SME evolves in similar entrepreneurial processes where all the problems and solutions are secretly hidden. Henceforth, calling a baby elephant too small is a lack of knowledge in zoology; therefore, naming a new enterprise small is a lack of entrepreneurial knowledge. SMEs only need great minds with big enough vision to grasp the big-size growth in a big picture within our big wide world.

Action required from for all governments, banks, academia and chambers and trade associations, plus politicians, and new candidates, study, clarify and define the true stories hidden behind the SME in your region and create brand new narratives to acknowledge and accept the geniuses and metamorphism already hidden in those struggling micro, small, medium enterprises across your land. They have yet to discover what has been ignored and what mighty opportunities have already been lost as now is the time to fix the issues and successfully lead with full knowledge.

Why too many SME studies? Each large business was never born big but constantly a small company. So what 'special forces of special entrepreneurial mindsets' were applied as an art and a science, something way outside the reach of others? Already, there exist hundreds of academic studies on SMEs, meticulously detailed studies on numbers but critically lacking entrepreneurialism, but why? Like watching a movie on Tarzan, where the filming is all about precise measurements of his bow, arrow, knife, and underwear, but nothing about who he is, where he came from, how he became Tarzan, why animals love him, and why is Jane chasing him and why he is called, the King of the Jungle

Who creates an airline? Creating a global airline is purely an entrepreneurial task; study the creation of the last 100 airlines. Although 'aviation' and 'aero dynamics are tediously acquired high-value engineering skills, more than categorically, entrepreneurialism is needed to give birth to any global airline. Suppose there are already a million entrepreneurs, each creating organizations each creating million jobs. Why shouldn't we identify some Nobel Prize Winners in Economics and check if they ever made one such single enterprise?

Why is it time to balance the efforts? Nevertheless, failing to understand the 'mindset hypothesis' and the difference between the job seeker and job creator mindsets is the first step to getting eliminated from any serious dialogue on the subject of SME economic recovery. Likewise, failing to articulate the 'national mobilization of entrepreneurialism' is the second step to getting eliminated from any economic development activity as a whole. Economies are doomed unless job-seeker mindsets accept the difference and collaborate with job-creator mindsets.

Why start a national SME revolution? If only 50% of the national SMEs across any nation suddenly double in size, it will change the national economic picture. If it quadrupled, it would be like a national economic revolution. Imagine if SME economic sectors quadrupled in productivity, excellence, and profitability, on exportability and manufacturing. What kind of economy will this create? A quick test will instantly prove the capabilities to achieve or the missing links already within the current Ministries of Economy, SME, Exports, and Chambers and trade associations across any nation. Identify, define, and manage a national goal and execute it.

The transformation timelines: It takes ten days to firm-up policies to start an SME sector digitization program. It takes 100 days to mobilize and place 1000 to 100,000 SMEs on digital platforms. Finally, it takes 1000 days to bounce economic development and global activities.

The mental preparedness timelines: It takes 1000 days to become a top-class economic development game player. It takes 100 days for deep immersion to become a champion of digital transformations. Finally, it takes ten days of intense workshops to articulate such senior-level discussions.

What fabricates a national revolution? First, a clear message is required for the masses; something easily understood, easy to repeat, and easy to join. This also means open participation for all: anywhere, anytime. However, the most critical factor is having a cause that unites participants, making them adopt it as their own. Therefore, the national mobilization of SME entrepreneurialism is a national strategy to uplift 25% to 50% of their SME sectors and occupy the nation with jobs and growth as a local SME economic revolution.

Understanding Entrepreneurialism: The original Silicon Valley of the USA was neither a technology nor a financial revolution but the mobilization of an entrepreneurial journey, way before the term 'IT' became popular and 'technology' conceptualized as worthy enough to trade in billions. The clusters of entrepreneurs with revolutionary job-creator mindsets, the out-of-box thinkers came out of their garages, broke old systems, created new alternates, and changed the world forever—a revolution of entrepreneurs, created by entrepreneurs and for entrepreneurs. The rest is history. Today, some 100 other nations are still trying hard with their versions to become copycats. There is no political power unless there is a parallel economic power; after all, there cannot be any economic power unless there is entrepreneurial job-creator-mindset power.

Study more on Google or explore Expothon Worldwide and why it is tabling great ideas across the world on uplifting the hidden powers of SME entrepreneurialism and starting national mobilization. Usually, such programs are not new funding dependent but execution-hungry and deployment-starved. So create your local high-level debates; customize your five top local SME issues. The rest is easy.

Naseem Javed is a corporate philosopher, Chairman of Expothon Worldwide; a Canadian Think tank. A global expert on the entrepreneurial mobilization of midsize SME bases across a nation, a harsh critic of SME economies, active in Africa, GCC, Europe, and Asia, and a great speaker gaining global attention.
