
African Nations: New World Order of Trade & Commerce

Feature Article African Nations: New World Order of Trade  Commerce

On the trade and commerce fronts, African nations are wide-awake; each one is trying its best; however, global challenges and interdependencies are creating new tactical battlefields in need of real economic warriors. Now a new world order directly impacts African nations and their large populations.

Just a century ago, the United States of America was a nation where its largest and booming economy consisted of only many millions of small and medium business enterprises. The fact remains that every single big business in the world of today was once only a small unknown tiny business.

Nevertheless, in regards to the USA, no other country could ever produce such a pleasant, widely accepted, powerful, and super prosperous entrepreneurial society, which carved the USA's image supremacy to last centuries.

Over centuries, some 100 nations have struggled to copy their model and create an SME entrepreneurial culture. Hold this thought for a minute.

Only a few decades ago, China had nothing but wide open seas and oceans of SMEs driving the entire economic engines of the Chinese nations.

China spent trillions of dollars, but not in wars or extreme sci-fi hallucinations of hedge funding crypto tyrannies but in hardcore infrastructures primarily dedicated to facilitating the SME order of value creation, designed to bring productivity, performance, and profitability, while up-skilling exporters and re-skilling manufacturers and created 500 million enterprises ready for micro-trade, micro-exports, and micro-manufacturing.

Simultaneously, regular public execution of highly senior government officials for corruption also helped SMEs grow for better treatments in bureaucracies.

Such bold policies transformed small operations into more extensive operations under fair and just systems to become full-fledged industries. As a result, China is now a superpower nation.

Notice India and how it is positioning its current largest SME population within a nation to achieve Quadrability on productivity, performance, and profitability and become a shiny global power.

Now put all this together and attempt to surrender to how and why a new world of billion SMEs will be thriving by 2030 and how grassroots prosperity will help the population-rich nations.

Come 2030, Indonesia, Egypt, Nigeria, Malaysia, South Africa, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey are slowly taking this direction. Imagine if knowledge-rich-nations were enlightened enough to share knowledge and expand their scope and collaborate in a new globalization of human talents and small and medium business productivity.

These economic development ideas were never classified as deep national secrets, like an open book and a typical business plan available for execution. Nevertheless, the Western governments played the 'globalization' games and failed, created the sacred 'information' age, destroyed millions of factories, and failed. As a result, now mesmerized economic leadership of the western economies now so often seems inclined to ask ChatGPT for economic thinking.

The rise of population-rich-nations should become mandatory discussions before serious local SME economy issues are tabled. Study more on Google. Henceforth, notice how a new world order of the global SMEs is on the rise amongst population rich-nations.

The African Challenges:
How often are such topics on the national economic agenda?

What percentages of economic teams are already highly trained in such thinking?

Are 25% to 50% high potential SMEs ready for national mobilization?

Where are the updates on SME digitization during the last decade?

When will entrepreneurial talents ride on digital platform economies?

Are there immediately implementable procedures, control, and command?

Who is leading the charge?
Open challenge to current economic development models:

It takes 10 days to firm-up policies to start an SME sector digitization program.

It takes 100 days to mobilize and place 1000 to 100,000 SMEs on digital platforms.

It takes 1000 days to have a bouncing economic development and global activities.

What are the critically missing links within your economic development departments?

It takes 1000 days to become a top-class economic development game player.

It takes 100 days for deep immersion to become a champion of digital transformations.

It takes 10 days of intense workshops to articulate such senior-level discussions.

No, this is not an academic study but an entrepreneurial response to grand economic failures by most nations on up-skilling SMEs and re-skilling manufacturers at national digitized levels. Time has come to appreciate the trends and performances of the new global powers of population-rich-nations.

Nevertheless, failing to understand the 'mindset hypothesis,' the difference between the job seeker and job creator mindsets is the first step to getting eliminated from any serious dialogue on the subject of SME economic recovery. Failing to articulate the 'national mobilization of entrepreneurialism' is the second step to getting eliminated from any economic development activity as a whole. Government agencies can also seek help and guidance from Expothon. More on Google

Is it possible now a time for the first industrial revolution of the mind?

Emerging nations must deeply study the population-rich-nations mobilization of the SME economic sectors and acquire mastery of the national mobilization of SME entrepreneurialism. African governments should take immediate action and explore immediately deployable options

The rest is easy.
By: Naseem Javed, Toronto
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