
Obituary: Funeral Rites for Janet Obese Antwi, 81, and Joyce Sintim-Danso, 59

Obituaries Obituary: Funeral Rites for Janet Obese Antwi, 81, and Joyce Sintim-Danso, 59

Joint Burial and Funeral Services will be observed in the Akyem-Begoro Municipality, in Ghana’s Eastern Region, for Obaapanyin (Familial Matriarch) Janet Obese Antwi, 81 years old, and her daughter Joyce Antwi, better known as Mrs. Joyce Sintim-Danso, 59 years old, beginning from Wednesday, November 24, 2021, with a Wake-Keeping at the Akyem-Begoro Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) School Park, followed by the Laying-in-State of both deceased on Thursday, November 25, 2021 and a Burial Service at the Akyem-Begoro Seventh-Day Adventist School Park, to be immediately followed by Interment at the Akyem-Begoro Public Cemetery. Both daughter and mother transitioned within one week of each other, on August 12 and August 19, 2021, respectively.

There will also be a Thanksgiving Service on Saturday, November 27, 2021, at the Akyem-Begoro Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church and Final Funeral Rites on Sunday, November 28, 2021, at the Akyem-Begoro Seventh-Day Adventist School Park. There will also be a Family Gathering on November 29, 2021, at Master Antwi’s Residence in Akyem-Begoro.

Listed among the Chief Mourners are Nana Bonah Sarpong, II, Tufuhene of the Fanteakwa Traditional Area and the Left-Wing Division of the Akyem-Abuakwa State; Pastor Michael Arthur, District Pastor of the Fanteakwa Municipality; Abusuapanyin Nana Okyere Amponsah and Obaapanyin Amma Dokua.

The Late Mrs. Joyce Sintim-Danso, also known among her close friends and associates as Ama Joyce, who was a longtime resident of New York City, is survived by two young adult children, namely, Mr. Clinton Sintim-Danso, 20, and Mrs. Priscilla Olivia Sintim-Danso, both undergraduate students at The John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York. Mrs. Janet Obese Antwi is survived by 8 adult children and approximately two dozen grandchildren.

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr.

(Atumpan News Agency)
