
Ethnic Discrimination Is An Excruciating Experience That Must Wake Up The Nation —Prof John Gatsi

Feature Article Ethnic Discrimination Is An Excruciating Experience That Must Wake Up The Nation  —Prof John Gatsi

Ethnic discrimination creates a reservoir of painful and emotional trauma and leaves the residues of the experience with future generations.The pains are even more excruciating if the perpetrators do it with arrogant entitlement. The long term effects may damage the family composition and structure in the country and promotes a religion of suspicion among business parties, children and relatives among others. The dogma of ethnic discrimination is actually a serious human right crime

The danger about ethnic discrimination(tribalism) is that the victims are made not to call it by its name and restrained to express themselves until it becomes corrosive.

The truth is that it is a painful and emotional experience.

Regional and ethnic hatred are unleashed on others because of wickedness and inability to appreciate the natural beauty of human diversity.

Our progress , peace and development as a country is in our diversity and not exclusion and psychological attacks.

Only leaders with fidelity to the Constitution and conscious of human dignity can moderate the harsh discrimination directed to hurt others.

In article 35(4)of the Constitution, the state as a policy in respecting the fundamental human rights and freedoms and the dignity of the human person, cultivate among Ghanaians respect for all. In article 35(5) “the state is enjoined to ACTIVELY promote the INTEGRATION of The peoples of Ghana and PROHIBIT DISCRIMINATION and PREJUDICE on grounds of place of origin, circumstances of birth, ETHNIC origin, gender, religion or other beliefs."

This is very clear that ethnic discrimination is against the very constitution of Ghana.
