Thu, 08 Oct 2009 Movie News

Deaf Woman Chases Ghanaian Actor

By Daily Guide
Prince David OseiPrince David Osei

GHANAIAN ACTOR, got the shock of his life when a deaf and dumb woman chased him as he walked through the streets of Nigeria, just to get his attention.

David, who was in Nollywood with colleagues Beverly Afaglo and John Dumelo to shoot an extended version of their About To Wed TV series, thought he was not popular in the country whose movie industry is almost as huge as America's Hollywood.

David, who returned to Ghana last Wednesday, told BEATWAVES that he was astonished by the kind of reception he got in Nigeria.

The English and Theatre Management degree holder from the University of Ghana said right from the Nigerian Airport, people started approaching him about seeing him on TV.

“From the immigration officer to everybody, they were happy to see me. They didn't even search my things. They were like; ooh, we like your programme, and that was it”, he narrated.

What mesmerized him more, he noted, was a deaf and dumb woman. He said, “I was walking in the streets with some girls when I saw this woman who followed us and called “heeeei”! She can't speak. I didn't get it, so I asked who was she talking to or calling.

Then she started demonstrating how she saw me on TV. I stood there speechless and exclaimed waoo! She can't speak, she can't hear but she was able to make me out.

As a matter of fact I opened my mouth till a fly almost entered”. David said he was happy with the experience. “Such things don't come our way in Ghana here. The best a Ghanaian could do is to say hi to us”.

David has been in Ghana's movie industry for some years now. Acting was not really a dream come true, as he wanted to become a Lawyer or professional footballer.

It was actually Producer/Director Ivan Quashiga who discovered him and forced him into acting. Ivan gave him a platform on the Fortune Island TV series. That was how it all began.

Currently he has a lot of movies to his credit including In The Eyes of my Husband, Passion and Soul, Agony of the Christ, Sin of the Soul, The Heart of Men, Shakira, Dons of Sakawa, among others.

He also featured in Hollywood thriller The Dead, in which he starred alongside American actor Bob Freeman. The movie was shot in the U.K and Burkina Faso.

David attended De-youngsters Basic School and Accra High School before attending the University of Ghana.

He was born at the Ridge Hospital in Accra to Mr. and Mrs. Osei, both from Bekwai, Kumasi, and is the third of five brothers and two sisters.

His parents were not too keen on his acting in the beginning due to their religion, but they have since accepted his choice.

By Francis Addo
