Thu, 13 Jun 2019 Personal Reflection

Pesky tomcats

Old Gal in Yoga Pants
13 JUN 2019 LISTEN

Minerva has two outside tomcats; Bob and Kevin. Her grandson named them after his two favorite Minion characters. She often goes outside and hollers, “Bob and Kevin, come get a treat.” I’m glad she doesn’t live on a street with heavy hooker traffic.

She finds small dead rodents on her doorstep a lot. It’s Bob and Kevin’s way of saying thank-you. What thoughtful cats.

The tomcats pester Wally when we visit. But Wally is getting on in years like me and doesn’t want Bob and Kevin chasing his tail or chewing on his ears.

“People who don’t like cats will come back as mice in their next life.”

Until we chat again, this old bag declares, “Aging is for cheese and wine—not women.”

Melissa Martin
Melissa Martin

Self-syndicated Columnist, USA Page: MelissaMartin
